[afripv6-discuss] IPv6 CPE survey results

Iñigo Ortiz de Urbina inigo at infornografia.net
Thu Sep 27 11:39:47 SAST 2012

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Hisham Ibrahim <hisham at afrinic.net> wrote:
> Dear all,
> RIPE NCC started conducting IPv6 CPE surveys since 2010,
> to try to track the level of support various CPE vendors offer.
> A matrix of different vendors / CPEs can be found at the link below,
> http://www.ipv6actnow.org/info/cpe-survey-matrix/

In a similar fashion, CZ.NIC has made some work assessing routers:

Abstract for the lightning talk:

"KATR Catalogue of (IPv6) routers
(Ondrej Filip, CZ.NIC)

The router catalog offers reviews of home user routers. The main aim
of our reviews is to test support of new technologies in routers, such
as for the IPv6 protocol or the DNSSEC extension to DNS."

Here's the URL for the RIPE65 slides by Ondrej Filip:

Worth mentioning Jan Zorz approached Ondrej during the questions in
order to merge efforts on equipment testing and its procedures.
Promising cooperation, indeed.

> This information may be useful for ISPs / users considering to purchase IPv6 capable CPEs.
> Also the survey questions themselves can be a good starting point for Regulators / ISPs to start asking
> if their regular suppliers (if not listed) support or not.
> For more info on the survey also please see:
> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/marco_hogewoning/the-2012-ipv6-cpe-survey
> Regards
> Hisham_______________________________________________
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> afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net
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- Así que este es el futuro del hombre: calentarse a los rayos del
sol, bañarse en las claras corrientes de agua, y comer los frutos de
la tierra olvidando todo trabajo y fatiga.

- Bueno, y por qué no?

"El tiempo en sus manos"

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