[afripv6-discuss] Successful Conclusion of AfriNIC Training
Workshop in Lagos, NIGERIA
Brice ABBA
brice at afrinic.net
Tue Sep 18 14:01:50 SAST 2012
During this workshop, the Lagos University (UNILAG) has been used as
case study, an IPv6 address plan has been designed for UNILAG and they
also start to assign these IPs in the core network.
Le 9/18/12 3:46 PM, Brice ABBA a écrit :
> FRENCH below:
> Dear colleagues,
> AFRINIC just concluded a four (4) day training workshop in Lagos -
> NIGERIA. The training workshop ran from the 11 - 14 September 2012 at
> UNILAG (UNIversity of LAGos).
> Led by Mukom AKONG and Brice ABBA of AFRINIC Ltd, the workshop was
> attended by 40 network engineers, systems administrators and IT
> Managers drawn from the telecommunications and Internet service
> organisations as well as Colleges and universities.
> Some of the highlights of the workshop are as follows:
> [+] Planning for, requesting and managing IP number resources.
> [+] IPv4 address exhaustion and IPv6 foundations.
> [+] IPv6 concepts from addressing, address planning, routing and
> transition techniques
> [+] Hands-on lab exercises (host configuration, routing and transition
> techniques)
> We wish to extend our appreciation to EKO-KONNECT and UNILAG, for
> hosting this workshop and making it a success.
> Chers collègues,
> AFRINIC vient de conclure un atelier de quatre (4) jours de formation
> à Lagos - Nigeria. L'atelier de formation s'est déroulée du les 11 -
> 14 Septembre 2012 à UNILAG (UNIversity of LAGos).
> Dirigée par par Mukom AKONG et Brice ABBA d'AfriNIC Ltd, l'atelier a
> été suivi par 40 ingénieurs réseaux, administrateurs de systèmes et
> gestionnaires informatiques issus des organisations de téléphonie
> mobile et fixe et d'Internet ainsi que des grandes écoles et les
> universités.
> Parmi les faits saillants de l'atelier nous avons les suivants:
> [+] La planification, la gestion des ressources Internet.
> [+] Épuisement des adresses IPv4 et les bases d'IPv6.
> [+] Concepts d'adressage en IPv6, planification d'adresses, routage et
> techniques de transitions
> [+] Les exercices pratiques sur bancs d'essais (configuration d'hôtes,
> de routage et techniques de transition)
> Nous tenons à exprimer notre gratitude EKO-KONNECT et UNILAG, pour
> avoir accueilli cet atelier et aider á en faire un succès.
> Regards
> (i) Outline of course modules
> <http://learn.afrinic.net/index.php/learn-modules>
> (ii) Course slides <http://learn.afrinic.net/index.php/resources>
> (vi) Book a free 6 router lab to practice on
> <http://www.6deploy.eu/index.php?page=testbed_reservation2>
Mr Brice B. ABBA Tel:+225 08 607 228/+225 44 853 955
Trainer, AFRINIC Tel MU: +230 9 415 549
brice at afrinic.net - (www.afrinic.net) SIP:brice at voip.afrinic.net
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