[afripv6-discuss] What are the benefits of IPv6 over IPv4

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Mon Jun 4 08:59:59 SAST 2012

On Sunday, June 03, 2012 07:29:40 PM Frank Habicht wrote:

> I understand Vint Cerf is accepting part of the blame
> [about limitations of v4].
> I believe that it's good (for innovation) to be able to
> have direct communication between end devices
> (end-to-end principle). That is gone for IPv4 (NAT), and
> workarounds [1] are there (none perfect).
> I think IPv6 will take care of it for longer that IPv4
> did.

I think every device owned by a single person deserves a 
public IP address. Whether that is the case or not depends 
on user and network preference.

We can't imagine that actual people will need IP addresses 
today. But maybe that could be the case in future, we just 
don't know. And that's why I keep saying that we should be 
more conservative about how IPv6 space is allocated and 
assigned, but that's a topic for another day.

> PS: didn't get 2x eBGP up with Cisco 891 [2] today :
> clear bgp ipv6 unicast * did _not_ help
> reload _did_ help.     strange....
> Cisco IOS Software, C890 Software (C890-UNIVERSALK9-M),
> Version 15.1(4)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Sounds like a bug, try upgrading.

> - 6to4 should be history, and not in discussions about
> the future - can we agree?

Agree, but it's still in wide use, mostly because ISP's 
can't offer their customers local connectivity.

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