[afripv6-discuss] What are the benefits of IPv6 over IPv4

Kondwani C. Hara kondwa at m-hi.org
Mon Jun 4 01:56:26 SAST 2012

If ipv6 is the work of a hacker, he must have gone to great extent. I have
always wondered Why ipv6 not version 5.
On 4 Jun 2012 01:18, "Kondwani C. Hara" <kondwa at m-hi.org> wrote:

> Tunneling seems easy with ipv6 than ipv4.
> On 4 Jun 2012 01:16, "Kondwani C. Hara" <kondwa at m-hi.org> wrote:
>> I have seen from my very smartphone an attack. After having closed every
>> whole I could think of it still broke through.
>> So you plug in your smartphone to your pc to synchronize data, you see
>> the synchronization is also not they way it usually works. It enables the
>> device as usb at the same time synchronizing. I have had to remove the
>> synchronizing software so that the attacker is unable to know which pc I am
>> using.
>> Otherwise, if he did, I could easily get an attack on my pc.
>> When I saw, the nature of this attack after having considered all
>> security issues my smartphone, the best way to contain it was to prevent it
>> from being infected and cleaning it up soon after noting the infection.
>> While the Android is never being updated with security patches, it
>> remains vulnerable.
>> I did decide to just buy an ordinary handset to make phone calls and
>> receive smses. I wonder how ipv6 would relate to these?
>> On 4 Jun 2012 00:24, "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <jordi.palet at consulintel.es>
>> wrote:
>>> There are many reasons for a home to require a /48, for example IoT
>>> (Internet of Things).
>>> Tony Hain calculations indicate that if we allocate a /48 for every
>>> human,
>>> we will have enough IPv6 addresses for the next 500 years or so. So there
>>> is not reason for not doing so, specially, because for sure, in 50-100
>>> years, we will need some new changes, not this time because the runout of
>>> addresses anymore.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jordi
>>> -----Mensaje original-----
>>> De: Kivuva <Kivuva at transworldafrica.com>
>>> Responder a: IPv6 in Africa <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>>> Fecha: lunes 4 de junio de 2012 00:08
>>> Para: IPv6 in Africa <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>>> Asunto: Re: [afripv6-discuss] What are the benefits of IPv6 over IPv4
>>> >Kondwani, you are right. What about issuing a /8 class A IPv4 for
>>> >private addresses, or issuing /8 for several legacy companies. That is
>>> >16.7million or 2^24 hosts per company. Such a waste.
>>> >
>>> >The same lack of foresight is seen in allocation of IPv6 by giving
>>> >small entities /48 (that is more than all addressable numbers in v4)
>>> >although that leaves us with 281 trillion /48.
>>> >
>>> >Mark Elkins! Can someone enlighten me why a home may need a /60? Still
>>> >I don't see how we will exhaust v6 in our lifetime even after.
>>> >
>>> >On 03/06/2012, Frank Habicht <geier at geier.ne.tz> wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> I understand Vint Cerf is accepting part of the blame [about
>>> limitations
>>> >> of v4].
>>> >> I believe that it's good (for innovation) to be able to have direct
>>> >> communication between end devices (end-to-end principle).
>>> >> That is gone for IPv4 (NAT), and workarounds [1] are there (none
>>> >>perfect).
>>> >>
>>> >> I think IPv6 will take care of it for longer that IPv4 did.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> I hope we have a common understanding about history and we can go
>>> >> forward. How do we deploy more v6 ?
>>> >>
>>> >> I like Gert Doering's .sig :
>>> >> "have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?"
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Frank
>>> >>
>>> >> PS: didn't get 2x eBGP up with Cisco 891 [2] today :
>>> >> clear bgp ipv6 unicast * did _not_ help
>>> >> reload _did_ help.     strange....
>>> >> Cisco IOS Software, C890 Software (C890-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version
>>> >> 15.1(4)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> [1]
>>> >> - the one I think about are STUN etc
>>> >> - ipv6 over facebook, over google, don't count
>>> >> - 6to4 should be history, and not in discussions about the future -
>>> can
>>> >> we agree?
>>> >>
>>> >> [2]
>>> >> end-user customer, with 2 uplinks to same ISP, in AS 64512
>>> >> yes, i was talking about BGP over v6 and about v6
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On 6/3/2012 7:52 PM, Kondwani C. Hara wrote:
>>> >>> I believe by design, ipv4 was never supposed to exhaust. But as a
>>> >>> marketing extra, even ipv6 address space will prove too little. Not
>>> >>> every individual requires a public ip. But if every device will
>>> require
>>> >>> a public ip, then per individual it should be expected several
>>> devices.
>>> >>> I wonder how many ipv6 ip address are implementable? If there is an
>>> >>> upper bound, the seemingly huge number will exhaust.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Unless we come back to the original design of ipv4 we will find that
>>> we
>>> >>> would still encounter the same problem. We will also find that ipv4
>>> was
>>> >>> never supposed to exhaust in the first place.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On 3 Jun 2012 14:09, "Mark Tinka" <mark.tinka at seacom.mu
>>> >>> <mailto:mark.tinka at seacom.mu>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     On Sunday, June 03, 2012 11:11:39 AM Mark Elkins wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>      > At the end of the day - every ISP type service charges
>>> >>>      > for the IP addresses that they 'rent' from their
>>> >>>      > Upstream or RIR. They are all businesses.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Mark, do you mean as a hidden cost or explicitly?
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Not all ISP's charge their customers for space. But yes,
>>> >>>     some do.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     The operations I've run assign a minimum default for every
>>> >>>     new turn-up. If customers want additional space for their
>>> >>>     expansion, they only need to justify that to us (not as easy
>>> >>>     as I'm making it sound), and if they could, we'd assign more
>>> >>>     to them. Justification for additional space was always in
>>> >>>     line with the policies enforced by the RIR in the respective
>>> >>>     region I worked; which is fair.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Charging for IPv4 address space isn't terribly useful, as
>>> >>>     that's a dying resource you can't base any sustainable model
>>> >>>     on.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     I know Product & Marketing folks like to charge for IPv4
>>> >>>     addresses as a deterrence to exhaustion, but I always tell
>>> >>>     them that if a customer is desperate, they'll pay anything
>>> >>>     to get it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Add to that, the Sales are happy making IPv4 addresses an
>>> >>>     item line because they make more on commissions.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     So the combination of S&M, in this case, is a recipe for
>>> >>>     disaster that needs checking.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     But as a basic means of revenue when offering a service,
>>> >>>     I'll submit it (selling IPv4 space) leaves a foul taste in
>>> >>>     my mouth. As for IPv6, that's just immoral, but that's my
>>> >>>     own opinion.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Your network, your rules.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     Mark.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>     _______________________________________________
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>>> >>>     afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net <mailto:afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
>>> >>>     https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/afripv6-discuss
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >______________________
>>> >Mwendwa Kivuva
>>> >For
>>> >Business Development
>>> >Transworld Computer Channels
>>> >Cel: 0722402248
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>>> >transworldAfrica.com | Fluent in computing
>>> >kenya.or.ke | The Kenya we know
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>>> **********************************************
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