[afripv6-discuss] Global stats from Hurricane electric on IPv6 traffic build up for world IPv6 day

Iñigo Ortiz de Urbina inigo at infornografia.net
Wed May 30 19:59:06 SAST 2012

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Hisham Ibrahim <hisham at afrinic.net> wrote:
>> I can't see a unit on the y axis...?
> HE removes the exact figures of the Y-axies for confidentiality reasons
> Hisham

Even though I do understand customer confidentiality, I never
understood the reasons behind such strong obscurity and secrecy. I
have requested the actual figures in the past and I got no reply back

IIRC, the methodology to gather the data used for the plot isnt
disclosed either, so it is hard to draw your own conclusions based on
this view.

Fortunately, there are many other IPv6 traffic plots on the Internet,
in which the magnitudes and measured variables vary according to the
corner of the net from where the samples are taken -or aggregated-:


To name a few relevant ones.

Just my two cents :-)


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- Así que este es el futuro del hombre: calentarse a los rayos del
sol, bañarse en las claras corrientes de agua, y comer los frutos de
la tierra olvidando todo trabajo y fatiga.

- Bueno, y por qué no?

"El tiempo en sus manos"

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