[afripv6-discuss] IPv6 news - weekly summary

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Tue Feb 1 18:36:41 SAST 2011

Hi Daddy,

We try to support from the 6DEPLOY project, from which AfriNIC is also a
member, local languages as much as possible.

Of course, we understand that most of the people will be able to learn the
same in English, but we all know that your mother tongue is always easier
for all ;-)

And yes, we could do also in French, as there are other 6DEPLOY partners
which are French speakers.

I understand that the training team from AfriNIC can provide more details
about the requirements to host a training, decide the language, and the
right timing for the training schedule of the AfricNIC staff and
coordinate, if needed with the rest of the 6DEPLOY partners.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Daddy TALASI KAZIAMA <daddytalasi at gmail.com>
Responder a: <daddytalasi at gmail.com>
Fecha: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 16:00:09 +0100
Para: IPv6 in Africa <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>
CC: Jordi Palet Martinez <jordi.palet at consulintel.es>
Asunto: Re: [afripv6-discuss] IPv6 news - weekly summary

>Bonjour Jordi,
>Ta réquette est bonne, mais pourquoi pas penser le français ou l'Anglais?
>Je pense que Monsieur Alain AINA est mieux placé pour cela.
>Soit voir le programme de formation d'Afrinic pour 2011.
>Si cela est en français c'est possible que nous participons
>2011/2/1, Silvio Almada <almada at nexus.ao>:
>> Jordi,
>> Ha possibilidades de organizar algum evento sobre IPv6   Workshop em
>> Português ou espanhol aqui para Angola?  Logramos criar a Associação
>> dos Provedores de Serviços de Internet  (AAPSI) através desta
>> Organização podemos criar as condições logísticas.
>> Cumprimentos
>> Silvio Almada
>> --
>> Eng. Silvio Cabral Almada
>> Telefone: (+244) 226 620251 / 912 506937
>> Fax: (+244) 226 635005
>> e-mail: / silvio.almada at sonangol.co.ao / silvio.almada at aapsi.og.ao
>> Rua a Estrada Farol das Lagostas, 1 - TCC
>>        Luanda - Angola
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