[afrinic-discuss] Re: [AfrISPA.Discuss] The Net wants to be decentrally governed

Eric Osiakwan eric at afrispa.org
Mon Nov 14 10:14:30 SAST 2005


On this ocassion i think u read my paper incorrectly and i dont have a problems with you expressing your views on the subject.

In this essay, am underlining the most fundamental principle which is responsible for the phenomenal growth of the Internet but we have all ignored in the discussion about the future of the Net in the IG framework. 

The Internet enforces and exist the principle and practise that "governance is not necessarily contralised but rather co-ordinated and collaborated in a decentralised environment" because the intelligence of the inter-network (Networkd called Internet) is at the edges of that Network. So there is nothing in the middle that we want to take control off and govern, please i submit that it is not there.

Eric here

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Sewanu Kponou <sewanuk at yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 18:49:02 -0800 (PST)

>  If I am reading your article correctly it is about the US relinquishing sole control of the ICAAN.  My understanding is that the fear of other nations of been cut-off are exagerated, for the simple reason that it will take the cooperation of umpteen exchanges to completely shut down any one nation.  However if the rest of the world sees it fit then it is up to 5.5 billion (vs 400 mil) people to come together and create an alternative means of dealing with the situation.  The new IPv6, I think, should get around the problem of  inadequate  domain names etc.,  that  the  IPv4 is facing.  I do believe that there is going to be some grandstanding ( US versus the rest) to see who is the first to blink.  
>  Seems like in the last few years the rest of the world is starting to challenge varoius positions in which the US assumed it was the supreme leader.  On Yahoo, whenever this topic comes up, it is interesting to see the American response.  It is heavily on the side of asking the rest of the world to go form their own internet that they can control.  The US cannot see the UN presiding over ICAAN, especially with Kofi Annan at the helm.
>  For whatever it is worth, it will be interesting to see how this issue  plays out, two to three years from now.
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Eric M.K Osiakwan
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