<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body>A good Reminder for 2014..<div>Thanks Dr for this reminder that Policy and Practice are two separate functions.... We should adhere to that everywhere...and mind the interdependence of the 2 P's in the management of services to the People(consumers). </div><div>Have a good 2014 everyone..</div><div>Yassin<br><br><font size="2">Sent from samsung mobile. On O2.</font> </div><br><br><br>Dr Eberhard Lisse <el@lisse.NA> wrote:<br><br><br>An Address Registry allocates and/or assigns Addresses and is not<br>involved in other Internet-related policy issues.<br><br>If I had to pay for an address block and they would use my funds for<br>unrelated purposes I'd probably try and do something about it. It's<br>already enough that they are inflating their staffing to the extent<br>of employing a COO.<br><br>But then this is Africa, we like to travel...<br><br>...if others pay for it.<br><br>el<br><br><br><br>on 2014-01-07, 10:37 Kivuva said the following:<br>> A RIR should be in the center of all things IG. Most of the<br>> discussions in the IG "talkshops" end up being adopted as policy<br>> by various players. Why would Afrinic want to be sidelined?<br>> <br>> And isn't the work of an Address Registry a subset of IG?<br>> <br>> On 06/01/2014, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji@gmail.com> wrote:<br>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el@lisse.na> wrote:<br>>><br>>>> Why would an Address Registry do an IG session during a Training<br>>>> Workshop?<br>>>><br>>>> Well IS is not solely about training workshop [1]. Same with<br>>>> the AFRINIC meetings.<br>>><br>>><br>>>> And then a whole day?<br>>>><br>>>> Oh, I forgot, this is Africa, we want Talkshops instead.<br>>>><br>>><br>>> Not quite, while i personally would also prefer more of the<br>>> workshop, however it seem its in the "talkshops" that the voices<br>>> are heard and decisions are made. So we need to be<br>>> "techi-talk-shop as much as possible. Nevertheless i think the<br>>> events are usually packed with a mix and IG is not the first talk<br>>> show to be introduced.<br>>><br>>> Cheers!<br>>> 1. http://internetsummitafrica.org/<br>>><br>>>> EL<br>>>><br>>>> Sent from Dr Lisse's iPad mini<br>>>><br>>>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 21:57, Hago Dafalla <dafalla@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>>>><br>>>> Dear Seun;<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> Yes I need IG Day in every AFRINIC Meeting.<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> Thanks<br>>>><br>>>> Hago Dafalla<br>>>> Sudan<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> On Monday, 6 January 2014, 22:42, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji@gmail.com><br>>>> wrote:<br>>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Hago Dafalla <dafalla@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>>>><br>>>> Dear Colleagues;<br>>>><br>>>> I suggest to establish new session in the next AFRINIC Meeting called<br>>>> Internet Governance session. Please send your opinion and confirm.<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> I think there was an IG session during the last AFRINIC meeting [1] . So<br>>>> yes it should continue and be part of not just the AFRINIC meetings but<br>>>> the<br>>>> IS itself; perhaps including an IG day in the Agenda (to allow for more<br>>>> IG<br>>>> sessions)<br>>>><br>>>> Cheers!<br>>>> 1.<br>>>> http://meeting.afrinic.net/afrinic-19/en/agenda/programmex#day-3-25th-nov<br>>>><br>>>> Thanks<br>>>><br>>>> Hago Dafalla<br>>>> Sudan<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> On Friday, 20 December 2013, 21:36, Anne-Rachel Inné <<br>>>> annerachel@gmail.com> wrote:<br>>>> Dear all,<br>>>><br>>>> The Internet Society (ISOC) is coordinating the process leading to<br>>>> appointments to represent the Internet technical community in two of the<br>>>> *“Brazil<br>>>> Planning Committees”* and in the *“1net Steering Committee”*.<br>>>><br>>>> The “Brazil Planning Committees” will contribute to the preparation of a<br>>>> *"Global<br>>>> Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance"* that will<br>>>> be held on 23 and 24 April 2014, in Sao Paolo, Brazil.<br>>>> The two major tasks of “1net Steering Committee” will be (1) to liaise<br>>>> with stakeholder communities and encourage participation and submission<br>>>> of<br>>>> productive ideas with respect to Internet governance issues; and (2) to<br>>>> steer, manage, and otherwise lead the activities of the 1net platform<br>>>> towards a productive understanding and possibly consensus with respect to<br>>>> these issues.<br>>>> Individuals interested in being suggested by the NomCom set up for this<br>>>> purpose are invited to read more about the process and the timeline here:<br>>>> http://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/Call1netBR-ForPublication.pdf<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is *10 January 2014*.<br>>>><br>>>> Any questions or requests for additional information can be sent to:<br>>>> information.itcg@gmail.com.<br>>>><br>>>> *Useful links*:<br>>>> 1net: http://1net.org<br>>>> ISOC IG activities:<br>>>> http://www.internetsociety.org/what-we-do/internet-issues/internet-governance<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> Thank you and best regards,<br>>>> --<br>>>> Constance Bommelaer<br>>>> Senior Director, Global Policy Partnerships<br>>>> The Internet Society<br>>>> www.isoc.org<br>>>><br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> AfrICANN mailing list<br>>>> AfrICANN@afrinic.net<br>>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> AfrICANN mailing list<br>>>> AfrICANN@afrinic.net<br>>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> --<br>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> *Seun Ojedeji,Federal University Oye-Ekitiweb:<br>>>> http://www.fuoye.edu.ng <http://www.fuoye.edu.ng/> Mobile:<br>>>> +2348035233535**alt<br>>>> email: <http://goog_1872880453/>seun.ojedeji@fuoye.edu.ng<br>>>> <seun.ojedeji@fuoye.edu.ng>*<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> AfrICANN mailing list<br>>>> AfrICANN@afrinic.net<br>>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> AfrICANN mailing list<br>>>> AfrICANN@afrinic.net<br>>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann<br>>>><br>>>><br>>><br>>><br>>> --<br>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>> *Seun Ojedeji,Federal University Oye-Ekitiweb: http://www.fuoye.edu.ng<br>>> <http://www.fuoye.edu.ng> Mobile: +2348035233535**alt email:<br>>> <http://goog_1872880453>seun.ojedeji@fuoye.edu.ng<br>>> <seun.ojedeji@fuoye.edu.ng>*<br>>><br>> <br>> <br><br>-- <br>Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse \ / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)<br>el@lisse.NA / * | Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)<br>PO Box 8421 \ /<br>Bachbrecht, Namibia ;____/<br>_______________________________________________<br>AfrICANN mailing list<br>AfrICANN@afrinic.net<br>https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann<br> </body>