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        <p class="title">Accountability & Transparency – "ATRT" – Activities Webinar<br>
                <em>Hold the Date</em></p>
        <p class="docdate">17 August 2011</p>
<p>You are invited to participate in a webinar on changes ICANN is
implementing to enhance its accountability and transparency (also known
as the <a href="http://www.icann.org/en/accountability/overview-en.htm">Accountability & Transparency Review Team recommendations</a>). The Webinar will be held <strong>Wednesday, 31 August, 2011 from <a href="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Accountability+%26+Transparency+%E2%80%93+%E2%80%9CATRT%E2%80%9D+%E2%80%93+Activities+Webinar&iso=20110831T07&p1=1240&ah=1&am=30">14:00 -- 15:30 UTC</a></strong> and is open to all.</p>
<p>You will receive an update on how ICANN's Board, Governmental
Advisory Committee, Nominating Committee, our volunteer community, and
Staff are addressing the numerous recommendations developed by the
Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) and accepted by the
<p>Progress and plans will be discussed, and your questions and comments will be welcomed on enhancements to:</p>
<ul><li>The Board's governance, operations, and composition, including the Nominating Committee processes for filling Board seats;</li><li>The Governmental Advisory Committee's (GAC's) role, effectiveness and Interaction with the Board;</li>
<li>Public input and policy processes; and</li><li>Review mechanisms for Board decisions.</li></ul>
<p>More details, along with dial-in and Adobe connect information, will be issued shortly.</p>