<a href="http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/neelie-kroes/i-propose-a-compact-for-the-internet/">http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/neelie-kroes/i-propose-a-compact-for-the-internet/</a><br clear="all">Today I had the pleasure of speaking at the OECD’s <a href="http://www.oecd.org/site/0,3407,en_21571361_47081080_1_1_1_1_1,00.html">High-Level Meeting on the Internet Economy</a>.
It is a chance for people across the world – from the US and Japan to
Mexico and South Africa – to get together and talk about the challenges
we are facing.
<p>From how to deliver broadband for all, to how to keep the Internet open.</p>
<p>I spoke about my view of what matters on the Internet. There’s been a
lot of discussion recently about principles which do, or should,
underpin the network. The <a href="http://www.g20-g8.com/g8-g20/g8/english/live/news/renewed-commitment-for-freedom-and-democracy.1314.html">G8</a> recently
agreed a few – principles like openness, freedom, non-discrimination
and respect for human rights. Other bodies, including the OECD itself,
are also developing their own.</p>
<p>I think this is a very worthwhile exercise for these bodies – and for
the European Commission, too: it’s clear to me that the Internet is a
European strategic domain – and our stance towards it should be
underpinned by the same values, priorities and interests as everything
else we do.</p>
<p>If, like me, you believe that the Internet is a force for positive
change in the world, then it’s worth thinking about what the key
features are that we couldn’t do without, the “internet essentials”,
imperative features which must be preserved if the Internet is to go on
playing the role it plays in the world.</p>
<p>So I’ve set out <a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/11/479&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en">my own initial ideas about this</a>. I think the main ingredients are these:</p>
<p>- <strong>C</strong>ivic responsibility. On the internet, we are not
atoms. And just as when we are out in “normal”, offline society, we bear
responsibilities to each other which go beyond the purely legalistic,
especially when there is harmful behaviour out there.<br>
- <strong>O</strong>ne internet – we should safeguard the idea that, on
the Internet, every node can communicate with every other. This unity is
what allows the Internet to thrive in the way it has; we need to avoid
- <strong>M</strong>ultistakeholder governance of the Internet – because
the participation of all stakeholders in policy making is a good one,
which we support in this domain and others.<br>
- <strong>P</strong>ro-democracy. With the right tools – like open
access to Government information, and platforms for collective action –
the Internet can become an instrument supporting democratic life, and we
should promote it as such.<br>
- <strong>A</strong>rchitecture matters – the architecture of the
internet is fundamental to its dynamics. I’m sure the architecture will
change in the future as new challenges emerge – but we need to be aware
of the implications that different models might have.<br>
- <strong>C</strong>onfidence of users is a prerequisite: barriers to
confidence and trust are barriers to access. If we don’t solve problems
like protection of personal data, privacy and identify; like online
safety for children; like cybercrime and resilience of the network, then
people will be turned off the net and we won’t unlock the Internet’s
potential. And finally,<br>
- <strong>T</strong>ransparent governance – so that the multistakeholder
model doesn’t fall apart. In particular we need to be transparent about
the role which government representing their citizens play, and ensure
that those views aren’t ignored.</p>
<p>So you could call this “a Compact for the Internet”.</p>
<p>This isn’t about regulation – as I’ve said before, the Internet
should remain a place of freedom, and regulation should be only an
exceptional last resort; in any case keyhole surgery rather than
<p>But, as the Internet develops – becomes more and more part of our
lives, and develops into new areas like the Internet of Things – then we
need a vision of what properties of the Internet should remain. (See my
speech on the IoT <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGidzvj0hgI">here</a>).</p>
<p>These are just my initial ideas – I’ll be developing them further
over the coming months. And I want to get your views too; what do you
think really matters about the Internet? Tell me on this blog, or on
Twitter: #internetcompact</p><br>-- <br>Anne-Rachel Inne<br><br>