<h2 style="clear: left; margin-bottom: 0px;">ICANN Posts Draft of Strategic Plan for Consultation</h2>
<p style="margin: 0px; font-size: small;">19 October 2007</p>
<p>ICANN today posted the first draft of the July 2008 — June 2011
Strategic Plan for community consultation. The plan is available in <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_en_v1.pdf">English</a> [PDF, 80K], <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_fr_v1.pdf">
Français</a> [PDF, 1,090K], <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_es_v1.pdf">Español</a> [PDF, 1,180K], <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_ar_v1.pdf" style="text-decoration: none;">
<span style="direction: rtl; font-size: 14pt;" lang="AR-SA">العربية</span></a> [PDF, 376K], <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_ru_v1.pdf">Русский</a> [PDF, 1,440K] and <a href="/strategic-plan/draft_stratplan_2008_2011_clean_zh_v1.pdf" style="text-decoration: none;">
中文</a> [PDF, 348K].</p>
<p> In accordance with the ICANN annual planning calendar, initial
consultation on this plan began at the San Juan meeting in June where
consultation sessions were held in English, French and Spanish. An <a href="http://forum.icann.org/lists/stratplan-2008/">online forum</a>
was also established with questions in English, French, Spanish, Arabic
and Chinese. Telephone consultations were organized with constituency
groups which requested these. An issues paper was released in September
and further comments were sought. </p>
<p> Based on all of this community input, a first draft of the
Strategic Plan has been developed. Members of the community are
encouraged to read the draft plan and make comments. Comments may be
made through the on-line forum at <a href="mailto:%20stratplan-2008@icann.org">stratplan-2008@icann.org</a>. In addition, consultation sessions will be held at the<a href="http://losangeles2007.icann.org/"> Los Angeles meeting
</a> at the end of October.</p>
<p> The comment period will close on November 10. A revised version of
the plan will be prepared based on community feedback and presented to
the Board for approval at its December meeting.</p>
<p> Read more about the ICANN <a href="/planning/">planning process</a>.