[AfrICANN-discuss] Reminder - Register for AFRINIC Webinar Series, 8th June 2023, 09:00 UTC

Susan Akinyi Otieno susan.otieno at afrinic.net
Tue Jun 6 07:48:05 UTC 2023

(Apologies for cross posting)

Dear Colleagues,

Registration is still open for the AFRINIC Webinar Series titled, "Introduction to the AFRINIC Policy Development Process (PDP)” which will take place on 8th June 2023 at 09:00 UTC on the Zoom Platform. 

The AFRINIC Policy Development Process is based on a bottom-up multi-stakeholder approach and is used to develop resource management policies. The goal of the webinar is to give an overview of AFRINIC’s Policy Development Process, the key stakeholders and their role, steps a resource policy follows and how consensus is reached. The webinar will feature the AFRINIC Policy Working Group Co-chair, Mr. Darwin da Costa, the AFRINIC Policy Liaison team; Mrs. Madhvi Gokool and Mr. Brice Abba.
By the end of the session, At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
Understand why resource policies matter.
Explore the AFRINIC Policy Development Process
Gain Insights into AFRINIC  Policy Implementation.
Understand how they can participate in policy discussions.
During the webinar, participants will have the chance to engage with the panelist during the Q & A session. The language of instruction in the webinar will be English. 

Register for this webinar here >> https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RqXk0gWeTfqYIbnFC-0tlg#/registration 

This Webinar Series is a platform designed to provide members of the Internet Community with an opportunity to learn and engage on various topics related to the AFRINIC ecosystem. The webinars will take place on a monthly basis and will feature expert presenters who will share their knowledge and experience on a range of topics that are deemed relevant to our community. More details of the AFRINIC Webinar Series are available here>> https://afrinic.net/events/webinar-series 

We look forward to your participation in this webinar series and hope to see you there.

Kind Regards,

AFRINIC Communications.




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