[AfrICANN-discuss] The Africa Domain Name System Forum Awards Call for nominations

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.NA
Thu Sep 22 14:57:45 UTC 2022

Some thoughts on the session:

	Basically most of the session time was wasted with
	approximately 10 addresses by the usual suspects all of which
	had the same content, namely exactly zero.

	This is not new, it has been unchanged approximately since I
	have attended the first meeting many years ago.

	The only exception was Alan Barrett who then however faced
	headwind for making the practical and good suggestion of
	clients to engage their providers if and when these do not
	provide Universal Access.

	Several speakers (in particular the (outgoing African) Board
	Members who should have ample opportunity to actually do
	something about it (but NEVER do)) pontificated about how
	important it would be to have ICANN Meetings in Africa.

	While I am all in favor of that, in particular in Namibia, the
	Chair wasted the opportunity to engage ICANN's CEO on this,
	which had to be done by Sébastien Bachollet and even in
	English, pointing out that one of the reasons to create the
	smaller ICANN (policy) meetings was to have reduced
	requirements in oder to be able to hold meetings in developing

	Of course he was fobbed off, and, in a manner which I consider
	bordering the line of ICANN's Standards of Acceptable

	The point is not that we need to have meetings in all ICANN
	regions and in particular in Africa, which we do, and we all
	know that, the question is why ICANN is not doing it or
	anything about it?

	Well, I think, this is because the "paying" stakeholders do
	not wish to meet in less than 5 star environments close to
	major airports, let alone transit.

	This US-centricity which is patently obvious in so many ICANN
	aspects is, in my view, not compatible with the multi
	stakeholder model.

	Fortunately there was no time to review or even debate the
	"statement", which mostly nobody reads, but most certainly is
	never acted upon.

greetings, el
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse   \         /       Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
el at lisse.NA             / *      |  Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421 Bachbrecht  \      /  If this email is signed with GPG/PGP
10007, Namibia           ;____/  Sect 20 of Act No 4 of 2019 may apply

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