[AfrICANN-discuss] Report on the Second Edition of Tanzania Community Networks School of Internet Governance that was held from 06th - 07th December 2021 at Royal Village Hotel in Dodoma

Matogoro Jabera jaberamatogoro at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 18:09:47 UTC 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is our hope that you are doing fine and safe over there. On behalf of my
organizing team, please receive our appreciation and recognitions for your
sponsorship and happy to share our report on the Second Edition of Tanzania
Community Networks School of Internet Governance that was held from 06th -
07th December 2021 at Royal Village Hotel in Dodoma.

We are happy to share here a summary of Tanzania Community Networks School
of Internet Governance 2021:

1. A total of 69 participants attended physically and/or remotely to the
second edition of Tanzania Community Networks School of Internet Governance

2. This year’s TZCNSIG was the second edition, with the first edition being
hosted by Kondoa Community Network in 2020.

3. TZCNSIG2021 attracted 35 facilitators i.e., 19 facilitators attended the
event physically and 16 did a remote presentation due to COVID-19 related

4. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Benson O. Ndiege, Registrar of
Cooperative Societies on 06th December 2021.

5. Dr. Jabhera Matogoro was awarded certificate of appreciation by Green
Beacon Community Foundation, James Foundation, Albino Enterprises and
Samata Foundation to recognize his dedicated work towards connecting the
6. During the event, a digital literacy programme was launched by Dr.
Benson O. Ndiege. The programme will use GSMA Mobile Internet Skills
Training Toolkit to address the usage gap.

7. Websites for Kasulu (https://kacn.or.tz/) and Nyasa (https://ncn.or.tz/)
Community Network Cooperative Society Ltd were officially launched during
the TZCNSIG2021.

8. The closure and certificate issuing to participants and speakers
participating in the event was attended by Hon. Eng. Stella Manyanya,
Member of Parliament from Nyasa Constituent.

9. TZCNSIG2021 was sponsored by Association of Progressive Communication
(APC), Internet Society (ISOC), Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI),
TechSonic (PTY) LTD, Basic Internet Foundation, Tanzania Community Networks
Alliance, Kondoa Community Network Cooperative Society Ltd, Kasulu
Community Network Cooperative Society Ltd and Nyasa Community Network
Cooperative Society Ltd.

Moving forward, the programme has been rebranded to Tanzania School of
Community Networks and will be rotated within already established community
networks in Tanzania. The Third Edition of Tanzania School of Community
Networks will be hosted by Kasulu Community Network Cooperative Society Ltd
in 2022.

Link to local media:

MATOGORO Jabhera (PhD)
Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal: +255784 423 615
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3546-5743
Google Scholar:
IEEE Membership Number: 93934185
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