[AfrICANN-discuss] Passing of Paul Muchene

Alex Corenthin alex.corenthin at nic.sn
Sat Aug 13 07:57:25 UTC 2022

Pierre, Nous sommes attristés d’apprendre cette nouvelle. 
Toutes nos condoléances à l’ensemble de la communauté, à ses collègues et amis d’ICANN et une pensée particulière à sa famille et à ses proches.
Le CURI - NIC Senegal se joint à moi, en Union de prières, pour le repos de l’âme de Paul Muchene.

Pierre, We are saddened to hear this news.
Our condolences to the entire community, to his colleagues and friends of ICANN and a special thought to his family and loved ones.
The CURI - NIC Senegal joins me, in Union of prayers, for the rest of the soul of Paul Muchene.

Alex Corenthin
Responsable Technique NIC Sénégal (www.nicsenegal.sn)
Centre Universitaire de Recherche et de Formation aux technologies de l’Internet (www.curi.sn)
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (www.ucad.sn)
BP 16370 Dakar-Fann (Senegal)
Tel : +221 338219190 / 776317776

> Le 12 août 2022 à 18:39, Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Dear community members,
> I am deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of our friend and colleague, Paul Muchene, who unexpectedly passed away over the weekend on Saturday 6th August 2022. Until his demise, Paul was part of our OCTO Technical Engagement team which he joined in February 2020 and based out of Nairobi Kenya. Paul was an active part of the ICANN community even before becoming staff.
> We shall fondly remember him for his friendship, enthusiasm, energy, dedication, and his many professional contributions to ICANN in the Africa and Middle East region. We were very privileged to have him as a colleague for the past two and a half years. Please keep Paul’s family, as well as the staff members who were close to him, in your thoughts during this difficult time. And may his Saul rest in Perfect Peace.
> Pierre Dandjinou 
> VP, Global stakeholder engagement
> -- 
> Pierre Dandjinou
> Cotonou - 229 66075787 / 66566610
> www.scg.bj <http://www.scg.bj/>
> skype : sagbo1953
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