[AfrICANN-discuss] Webinar on ICANN72 and the future of ICANN Public Meetings

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Fri Nov 26 15:08:27 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

You are kindly invite to an online meeting for the African community on 02 December 2021 from  14:00 to 15:00  hrs.  UTC.
Please kindly register at https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsde6hqDwrHdF7dARMDyygrovjusGNnoLA

   The  agenda:

  1.  Welcome remarks and introduction:  Pierre Dandjinou   ( 3 min)
  2.  ICANN72 Meeting Statistics Recap and the future of ICANN Public Meetings.   Erhan Kiraner( 20 min)
  3.  Questions and feedback from the community.     ALL (30 min)
  4.  upcoming events ;  Poll  ( 5 min).
  5.  Closing remarks Pierre Dandjinou ((2 min).

Director,  Stakeholder Engagement & Operations - Africa

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