[AfrICANN-discuss] WEBINAR on the burning issue of people's mobility in the context of the COVID19 pandemic

Olivier Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 13:00:11 UTC 2020

Bonjour de Poponguine cher Alex et tous.
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Le sam. 19 sept. 2020 à 13:11, Alex Corenthin <alex.corenthin at nic.sn> a
écrit :

> We invite you to the Pan-African WEBINAR on the burning issue of people's

> mobility in the context of the COVID19 pandemic scheduled for Thursday,

> September 24, 2020 from 12:00 to 13:30 GMT.


> The COVID - 19 pandemic crisis has caused upheaval in all economic

> activities. At a time of economic revival, the equation of mobility of

> people remains a complex subject on which States are taking measures,

> admittedly concerted, but not always reciprocally coherent. This webinar

> organized by API is an opportunity to find innovative solutions with

> digital in order to offer Africans the possibility of moving more freely

> within the continent, but also to build the bases of mutual trust with

> Africa's partners for mobility open to the world.


> Join the discussions with, (link for registration

> <https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-quelles-solutions-pour-la-mobilite-intra-afrique-pendant-la-pandemie-covid-120097832851>

> ) :


> - o Her Excellency Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadi, Commissioner for

> Social Affairs, African Union

> - o Mr Lacina KONE, Director General, Smart Africa

> - o Mr Oumar Khassimou DIA, Director of Air Transport, Ministry of

> Tourism and Air Transport of Senegal,

> - o Mr. Ibrahima KANE, Managing Director, Air Senegal

> - o Ibrahima Nour Eddine DIAGNE, Chairman African Performance

> Institute.

> - o Mr. Dawitt BEKELE, Vice-President Regional Office Africa, ISOC


> This webinar is organized to raise the debate on the future of

> intra-African mobility and the mobility of African nationals in other

> regions of the world. With the evolution of the COVID - 19 pandemic, this

> question deserves to be raised. The African continent should be able to

> build a digital-based solution to nurture trust between African countries

> and with other countries so as to have a rapid return to a normal situation

> in terms of people's mobility. This webinar has the following objectives:


> - Measure the complexity of the current situation on the mobility of

> people;

> - Measure the harm to business from mobility restrictions;

> - Provide arguments for an African construction around digital to

> promote a return to normal mobility.


> At the end of the debates, awareness of the urgency and the need to

> proceed with this construction is expected. It is expected that

> organizations like SMART Africa with African Performance Institute can

> pilot in fast track mode (before November 2020), with a consortium of

> African companies working in digital, a free solution made available to the

> African Union for rapid implementation across the continent.


> Organized by the African Performance Institute (

> www.african-performance.org), this webinar is organized to raise the

> debate on the future of intra-African mobility and the mobility of African

> nationals in other regions of the world. With the evolution of the COVID -

> 19 pandemic, this question deserves to be raised. The African continent

> should be able to build a digital-based solution to nurture trust between

> African countries and with other countries so as to have a rapid return to

> a normal situation in terms of people's mobility.



> Alex Corenthin

> Responsable Technique NIC Sénégal (www.nic.sn)

> Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (www.ucad.sn)

> BP 16370 Dakar-Fann (Senegal)

> Tel : +221 338219190 / 776317776






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*Olévié A. A. KOUAMI **Abd-El-Raouf *
CTO de Ets "*Le FA de la Téranga*"
CEO de l'INTIC4DEV (Institut ds TIC pour le développement)
Tél.: (+221) 77 422 16 47 (Orange) / (+221) 76 695 59 79 (Tigo)
Tel.: (Togo) : +228 90 98 86 50
*Skype : olevie1 FaceBook : @olivier.kouami.7 Twitter : #oleviek
Popenguine, région de Thiès - SENEGAL-
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