[AfrICANN-discuss] [AFRI-Discuss] Call for Topics: Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting - ICANN68 (Virtual)

Sarah Kiden skiden at gmail.com
Mon May 25 13:29:51 UTC 2020

Thank you, Fatimata!

Tijani’s comment has been forwarded to the drafting team.

Your interest in joining the drafting team is also noted.



On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 11:50, Fatimata Seye Sylla <fsylla at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just read Tijani’s edit which I endorse.

> Thanks

> Fatimata


> Sent from my iPhone


> On May 23, 2020, at 4:41 PM, ABDULKARIM AYOPO OLOYEDE <

> oloyede.aa at unilorin.edu.ng> wrote:


> Hi,

> I join the drafting team.

> cheers


> On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 1:59 PM Christopher Momanyi <

> cmomanyi at strathmore.edu> wrote:


>> Dear All,

>> I support Tijan's suggestion. You can include me in the drafting team.


>> Regards


>> On Sat, 23 May 2020 at 15:49, Tijani BEN JEMAA <tijani.benjemaa at topnet.tn>

>> wrote:


>>> Dear all,


>>> As per the last updated of the ICANN Bylaws, the empowered community has

>>> a precise and particular meaning: It means the supporting organizations

>>> (GNSO, ccNSO and ASO) and the Advisory committees (GAC, ALAC, etc.).

>>> It doesn’t mean the wide Internet community, while I think that your

>>> proposal was for the later.

>>> My advice is to remove the word « Empowered » to have the following

>>> topic: "Enhancing the resilience of the Internet Community within ICANN

>>> in the face of calamities ».


>>> Best


>>> Le 23 mai 2020 à 10:36, Sarah Kiden <skiden at gmail.com> a écrit :


>>> Thank you all for your contributions. I think the exact topic will be

>>> adjusted by the drafting team.


>>> I will send a separate email to the drafting team.


>>> Regards,


>>> Sarah


>>> On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 3:55 AM Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong <

>>> abdeldjalil.bachar at gmail.com> wrote:


>>>> Hello All / Bonsoir à tous



>>>> I totale agree with Peters and Barrack proposals.

>>>> Please add me on draft team




>>>> Je suis totalement d'accord de cette proposition initiale de Barrack

>>>> avec la modification apportée par Peters.


>>>> Je suis volontaire d'intégrer l'équipe de rédaction.


>>>> Merci


>>>> ------------


>>>> Cordialement





>>>> ----------------------------------






>>>> E-mail: bachar at houseof.africa

>>>> Twitter: @HOUSEOFAFRIK

>>>> WEBSITE : www.houseof.africa

>>>> Whatsapp: +23566274284

>>>> Skype: Bongbour


>>>> -------------------------------------


>>>> Le Secrétaire Exécutif/Executive Secretary


>>>> Forum sur la Gouvernance de l'Internet au Tchad (FGI Tchad) /

>>>> Chad Internet Governance Forum

>>>> -------------------------------------


>>>> E-mail: Bachar at igf.td

>>>> Website: www.igf.td

>>>> Twitter :@IGFCHAD

>>>> https://twitter.com/bacharbong

>>>> Tél:0023566274284

>>>> N'djaména(Tchad)



>>>> ---------------------------------------------



>>>> DELEGATE - CHAD 2016-2018|ICANN60 Fellow ||Youth Peacebuilder|VP United

>>>> Nations Association of Chad (UNA-Tchad)||



>>>> Le ven. 22 mai 2020 à 23:59, Capda Capda <capdasiege at gmail.com> a

>>>> écrit :


>>>>> Hi All,

>>>>> I agree with Peter and would like to support Barrack's modified topic,

>>>>> the subject is current and relevant.


>>>>> Best regards,



>>>>> Le ven. 22 mai 2020 à 23:57, Jules NIZEYIMANA <julesni57 at gmail.com> a

>>>>> écrit :


>>>>>> Hello All, Thanks Sarah, I would like to support Barrack's modified

>>>>>> topic, Enhancing the resilience of the Empowered Community within

>>>>>> ICANN in the face of calamities.

>>>>>> and will volunteer with drafting.

>>>>>> Regards,

>>>>>> Jules


>>>>>> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 9:29 PM Sarah Kiden <skiden at gmail.com> wrote:


>>>>>>> Hello all,


>>>>>>> We have received 2 suggestions so far about the topic for the

>>>>>>> meeting. Both topics (suggested by Liz Orembo and Barrack Otieno) are about

>>>>>>> participation in ICANN during this pandemic.


>>>>>>> Barrack suggested this: Enhancing the resilience of DNS

>>>>>>> Infrastructure in the face of pandemics.


>>>>>>> Kindly let us know if this topic is okay. The deadline to submit

>>>>>>> topics is tomorrow, *22 May 2020*.


>>>>>>> We have also received some expressions of interest to join the

>>>>>>> drafting team. If you are interested, please reach out offlist.


>>>>>>> Regards,


>>>>>>> Sarah



>>>>>>> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:26 AM Sarah Kiden <skiden at gmail.com>

>>>>>>> wrote:


>>>>>>>> Dear Colleagues,


>>>>>>>> I hope this email finds you well. The ICANN68 Meeting is scheduled

>>>>>>>> for 22-25 June 2020. This meeting will be virtual. As with previous ICANN

>>>>>>>> meetings, we plan to hold the Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting. We would like

>>>>>>>> to invite you to submit topics for this session. Our previous statements

>>>>>>>> have focused on issues like: Domain Name System (DNS) Abuse, evolving the

>>>>>>>> ICANN Multistakeholder model, New gTLD Subsequent Procedures, enhancing

>>>>>>>> ICANN accountability, etc. Please see our previous statements here

>>>>>>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Joint+AFRALO-AfrICANN+Statements+Workspace>

>>>>>>>> .


>>>>>>>> Please see our proposed timeline:

>>>>>>>> Call for topics and drafting team: 15 - 22 May 2020

>>>>>>>> Drafting of Statement: 23 May - 6 June 2020

>>>>>>>> Send Statement to Staff for translation: 7 June 2020


>>>>>>>> Please send your suggested topics by Friday, 22 May 2020, after

>>>>>>>> which the drafting team will be constituted to prepare a draft statement

>>>>>>>> that will be shared with the rest of the members. If you would like to join

>>>>>>>> the drafting team, kindly notify us offlist.


>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your contributions.


>>>>>>>> Kind regards,


>>>>>>>> Sarah Kiden

>>>>>>>> AFRALO Secretariat


>>>>>>> _______________________________________________

>>>>>>> AFRI-Discuss mailing list

>>>>>>> AFRI-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org

>>>>>>> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/afri-discuss


>>>>>>> Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org


>>>>>>> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to

>>>>>>> this list are more accurate:

>>>>>>> http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

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>>>>>>> delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.


>>>>>> _______________________________________________

>>>>>> AFRI-Discuss mailing list

>>>>>> AFRI-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org

>>>>>> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/afri-discuss


>>>>>> Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org


>>>>>> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to

>>>>>> this list are more accurate:

>>>>>> http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

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>>>>>> delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.




>>>>> --



>>>>> *Michel TCHONANG LINZE*

>>>>> *Coordinateur Général*




>>>>> - *GCDT – TDAG du 02 au 05 juin 2020 à Genève - Suisse*

>>>>> - *Forum SMSI du 31 Août au 04 Septembre 2020 à l'UIT Genève -

>>>>> Suisse*

>>>>> - *68ème réunion **ICANN** du 17 au 22 octobre 2020 Hambourg -

>>>>> Allemagne*

>>>>> - *15ème FGI se tiendra à Katowice - Pologne du 02 au 06 novembre

>>>>> 2020*

>>>>> - *Symposium TIC Afrique du 08 au 11 Décembre 2020 à Yaoundé -

>>>>> Cameroun*










>>>>> *C**APDA (Consortium d'Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le

>>>>> Développement de l'Afrique)*


>>>>> *BP : 15 151 DOUALA - CAMEROUN Tél. : (237) 67775-39-63 / 24212-9493

>>>>> Email : capdasiege at gmail.com <capdasiege at gmail.com> Site : www.capda.ong

>>>>> <http://www.capda.ong>*

>>>>> _______________________________________________

>>>>> AFRI-Discuss mailing list

>>>>> AFRI-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org

>>>>> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/afri-discuss


>>>>> Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org


>>>>> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to

>>>>> this list are more accurate:

>>>>> http://www.funredes.org/mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1

>>>>> _______________________________________________

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>>>>> delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.


>>>> _______________________________________________

>>> AfrICANN mailing list

>>> AfrICANN at afrinic.net

>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/africann



>>> Tijani BEN JEMAA




>>> _______________________________________________

>>> AfrICANN mailing list

>>> AfrICANN at afrinic.net

>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/africann




>> --

>> Christopher Momanyi

>> Strathmore University

>> Ole Sangale Rd, Madaraka Estate

>> PO Box 59857 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya

>> Tel : +254 0703 034 152

>> www.strathmore.edu





>> *Note: *All emails sent from Strathmore University are subject to

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>> <http://www.strathmore.edu/en/email-policy> to read the policy.


>> "Visit our Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/StrathmoreUniversity>Page

>> and Twitter <https://twitter.com/StrathU>Account".

>> _______________________________________________

>> AfrICANN mailing list

>> AfrICANN at afrinic.net

>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/africann



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> _______________________________________________

> AfrICANN mailing list

> AfrICANN at afrinic.net

> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/africann


> _______________________________________________

> AfrICANN mailing list

> AfrICANN at afrinic.net

> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/africann


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