[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Governance Weekly Brief (W18Y20): COVID-19 & Internet (EU, UNDP, UNEP, EEAS), ICANN blocks sale of .org domain; U.S Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report....

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri May 1 15:44:24 UTC 2020

Hi all!
For your documentation, kindly find our weekly review on Internet Governance<https://internetgov.news/internet-governance-weekly-brief-w18y20-covid-19-u-s-cyberspace-solarium-commission-report-unfpa-privacy-policy-council-of-eur/> with some main titles featured below.



* European Commission and national consumer authorities are on high alert and call on platforms to stop scams and unfair practices
* Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell, on behalf of the European Union, on malicious cyber activities exploiting the coronavirus pandemic
* New UNDP data dashboards reveal huge disparities among countries in ability to cope and recover
* “Earth School” launches to keep students connected to nature in the time of COVID-19
* EEAS SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE: Short Assessment of Narratives and Disinformation around the COVID-19/Coronavirus Pandemic (Updated 2 – 22 April)


* European Parliament - Enforcement and cooperation between Member States: E-Commerce and the future Digital Services Act
* ICANN Board Withholds Consent for a Change of Control of the Public Interest Registry (PIR)
* U.S Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report
* Council of Europe: Annual report by the partner organisations to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists
* UNFPA Privacy Policy

Also, read our March monthly review in full in English<https://internetgov.news/internet-governance-monthly-brief-march-2020/>, French<https://internetgov.news/fr/revue-mensuelle-gouvernance-internet-mars-2020/>, Spanish<https://internetgov.news/es/resumen-mensual-de-gobernanza-de-internet-marzo-2020/>, Portuguese<https://internetgov.news/pt/resumo-mensal-de-governanca-da-internet-march-2020/> and Italian <https://internetgov.news/it/notiziario-mensile-internet-governance-marzo-2020/>

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