[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Governance Weekly Brief: Tech giants on China’s new security law; Iran to retaliate to cyber-attacks, UN warns on increased e-waste; ISO reports on trustworthiness over AI; Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, ENISA report 2019

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 10 20:58:56 UTC 2020


This week, Tech giants said they will not process data request made by Honk kong following China’s new security law. Iran stated it will retaliate to any cyber attacks on its ground. TikTok has denounced India App ban claiming that Chinese authorities have never requested the data of their indian Tik Tok users.

In the United Nations, an agreement adopted by 53 countries obliges national authorities responsible for approving car models on cybersecurity protections. Also, according to UN, 2.9 million waste electrical and electronic equipment was generated in 2019 in Africa. The International Organization for Standardization has released a technical report looking at concerns related to trustworthiness regarding artificial intelligence.

In the USA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released its strategy document; and Senate approves handful of amendments to The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) including Cyber Solarium recommendations.

In Europe, The European Data Protection Supervisor published a paper outlining its findings and recommendations for the use of Microsoft products and services. The European Commission adopted a communication to help national authorities on Readiness at the End of the Transition Period between the European Union and the United Kingdom following Brexit. European Union Agency for Cybersecurity released the 2019 Annual Report on Trust Services Security Incidents while the Council of Europe's Cybercrime Convention Committee published a new report to illustrate the benefits and impact of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime.

Read review in full here<https://internetgov.news/internet-governance-weekly-brief-w26a20-gdpr-and-europe-hate-speech-code-evaluation-ecowas-court-on-internet-shutdown-caribbean-digital-transformation-project-itu-on-child-online-protection-bra/>

Also, read our June 2020 monthly review in English<https://internetgov.news/internet-governance-monthly-brief-june-2020-roadmap-on-digital-cooperation-launched-more-cyberattacks-and-disinformation-amid-covid-19-cyber-geopolitics-over-5g-roll-out-more-digital-initiatives/>, French<https://internetgov.news/fr/revue-mensuelle-gouvernance-internet-juin-2020-lancement-feuille-de-route-sur-cooperation-numerique-plus-de-cyberattaques-et-de-desinformation-en-relation-avec-covid-19-cyber-geopolitique/>, Spanish<https://internetgov.news/es/resumen-mensual-de-gobernanza-de-internet-junio-2020-se-lanzo-la-hoja-de-ruta-para-la-cooperacion-digital-mas-ciberataques-y-desinformacion-en-medio-del-covid-19-cibergeopoliticas-sobre-el-5g-s/> and Portuguese<https://internetgov.news/pt/resumo-mensal-da-governanca-da-internet-junho-2020/>


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