[AfrICANN-discuss] AfTLD ARCEP and ABDI organize Initial Registry Operation Workshop in Burkina Faso

Janvier NGNOULAYE jnoulaye at gmail.com
Tue May 7 16:06:41 UTC 2019

Thank you Barrack for the updates.
I want to say: Very good job to the AfTLD managment.
In addition, I can note that the current AfTLD Steering Committee has
brought a breakthrough on the continent to improve the functioning of
African ccTLDs.
So particular distinguished to the Executive Commitee:

- Dr. Alex Corenthin, Chairman of the Executive Committee;

- Mr. Ali Hadji Mmadi, Vice Chairman of the Executive Commitee;

- Mrs. Wafa Dahmani Zafoori, Treasurer.

When you have a group of 3 volunteers, as you see, for a continental and
volunteer work, you have to encourage and support them.
So, dear great team of AfTLD, no looseness because the ccTLD community  and
individual like me, support you.

Warm regards,
Janvier Ngnoulaye.
ISOC Cameroon
SecNet group Cameroon

Le mar. 7 mai 2019 à 01:24, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> *Ougadougou, Burkina Faso 6th May 2019*
> Africa Top Level Domains Organization (AfTLD), the association of African
> country code top level domain registries (ccTLDs), Autorite de Regulation
> des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP) and Association
> Burkinabe des Domains Internet (ABDI) are hosting an Initial Registry
> Operations Course (IROC) workshop in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
> The workshop that is being held as from 6th to 10th May 2019 aims to
> facilitate a smooth transition of the registry management to a
> multistakeholder model. This is in line with AfTLD’s key strategic
> objective of building capacity in African ccTLDs with an aim of enhancing
> and improving ccTLD management in Africa.
> The Ouagadougou workshop that is being conducted in French follows a
> similar successful workshop held in Banjul, the Gambia in February 2019.
> More than 30 participants drawn from the government, private sector,
> technical community, civil society and academia are participating in the
> workshop.
> For further information about the event please contact the AfTLD
> secretariat at secretariat at aftld.org.
> *About AfTLD*
> Africa Top Level Domains Organization (www.aftld.org) was established in
> 2002 to act as a focal point for African Country Code Top Level Domain
> (ccTLD) managers in coordinating, formulating, developing and presenting a
> unified approach to issues related to the Domain Name System. The African
> Top Level Domains Organization also presents a forum for sharing ideas
> between the regions Internet community with an aim of promoting the
> utilization of national country’s Top Level Domains.
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