[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN65 schedule now available.

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Tue Jun 4 08:31:44 UTC 2019

Hello everyone / Bonjour à tous,

EN: The agenda is available at https://65.schedule.icann.org/
FR : L’agenda de la réunion ICANN65 est disponible à https://65.schedule.icann.org/

Thanks / Merci

Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager- Africa;  ICANN
Tel.  +229 66015649/65209067

Upcoming events:
@AIS2019:  Workshop on June 15<https://features.icann.org/event/icann-speaking-events/icann-workshop-african-registries-registrars-and-registrants>;  ICANN DAY on June 16<https://features.icann.org/event/icann-speaking-events/icann-day-ais-2019>
ICANN65 , 24-27 June 2019 in Marrakech<https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech65>

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