[AfrICANN-discuss] IGF 2018 : List of Preparatory Activities

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 15 11:18:56 UTC 2018

 Source : https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/

Thanks to IGF Secretariat!

"The thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-2> will be hosted by the Government of France at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris from 12 to 14 November 2018. An invitation<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/invitation-to-the-thirteenth-annual-meeting-of-the-internet-governance-forum-igf-%E2%80%8E> to participate in the meeting from UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin has been posted.

The schedule of the meeting<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/index.php?q=filedepot_download/6785/1342>, under the title, 'Internet of Trust', is now available, as well as logistical information for participants through the IGF 2018 host country website<http://igf2018.fr/>. Registration<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/registration-2> to attend the annual meeting in person is open until 3 November 2018.

IGF 2019 MAG Renewal Announcement<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-2019-renewal>
On behalf of the UN Secretary-General, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) invited all stakeholders to submit names of candidates to serve on the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). The deadline for nominations was 12 September 2018. Please see the announcement<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-2019-renewal> <https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/mag-2019-renewal> for more information.

The second Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-second-open-consultations-and-mag-meeting> of the IGF 2018 preparatory cycle took place 11-13 July in Room XI at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland. Registration was open until 8 July. The summary of the meeting<http://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/index.php?q=filedepot_download/6701/1285> is available.

The final list of programmed workshops<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-workshops-programme-list> has been published.

The list of selected Workshops<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-workshops-selection> for the 2018 programme has been published.

The list of approved Open Forums<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/open-forums-2018> has been published.

The list of approved Dynamic Coalition sessions<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-dynamic-coalition-sessions> has been published.

The IGF 2018 Village booths composition<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-village> is announced.

A message from the MAG Chair<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/mag-chair-s-blog> has been published.

The Call for IGF 2018 Remote Hubs<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/igf-2018-remote-hubs> is open until 15 October 2018.

Community Public Consultations for Improving Youth Engagement at IGF 2018 were open until 6 July. Comment on the first Outcome Document<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/youth-engagement-at-the-igf-2018-and-ways-for-improvements> of proposed ways for improvements.

IGF 2018 - calls for contributions of the different intersessional activities:

  *   Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) (CENB)- Phase IV<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/cenb-%E2%80%93-phase-iv-0> is collecting concrete stories showcasing how connecting the next billion(s) helps achieve broader Sustainable Development Goals such as Energy (SDG7), Decent Work (SDG8), Infrastructure Development with particular linkage with Internet access (SDG9) and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG17).
  *   The BPF Gender and Access<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-gender-and-access-0> is hosting a survey for Alternative Models of Connectivity to invite contributions to our outputs for 2018, also focusing on communities like women with disabilities, migrant women, and refugee women and others who face several challenges to access the Internet.
  *   The BPF Cybersecurity<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-cybersecurity-2018-contributions> wants to gain stakeholder perspectives on existing cybersecurity norms, their development, implementation and success; and the potential risk of digital security divide in terms of the protection the norms offer.
  *   The BPF IoT, Big Data, AI<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-internet-of-things-iot-big-data-and-artificial-intelligence-ai> collects examples of how Internet governance and stakeholder cooperation can help to stimulate the development and application of IoT, Big Data and AI in an ethical and sustainable way.
  *   The BPF on Local Content<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/bpf-local-content-0> is collecting examples of (a) new models and initiatives for the sustainable development of local content; (b) initiatives to create an enabling environment for local content development; (c) policy initiatives to promote and support the local creation of local content".

See full activities here : https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/

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