[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR) Review Team

Matogoro Jabera jaberamatogoro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 15:08:46 UTC 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Last month we published a blog post on our progress and would like to keep
you updated just in case you did not received this update


Assistant Lecturer
College of Informatics and Virtual Education
The University of Dodoma
P.O Box 490,
Website: www.udom.ac.tz
*IEEE Membership ID: 93934185*

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 9:36 AM Matogoro Jabera <jaberamatogoro at gmail.com>

> Dear Colleagues and Friends ,
> In February, 2017 ICANN announced the selection of a 16-member team to
> conduct the second review on the security, stability and resiliency of the
> DNS (https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2017-02-14-en). I was
> selected to represent Internet End Users through At-Large Advisory
> Committee (ALAC) - https://atlarge.icann.org/alac and Africa Region to
> the Team.
> In March, 2017 we had our First Face-to-Face meeting in Copenhagen,
> Denmark and in that meeting, three nominees volunteered themselves for a
> leadership position and review team agreed by consensus to leadership by
> three co-chairs (https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2017-03-30-en)
> We had held a number of F2F meeting as well as remote meeting to take
> forward this work. We met in Madrid, Spain; Johannesburg, South Africa; Abu
> Dhabi during ICANN60.
> Just few days before the ICANN60 Meeting, ICANN Board release a letter to
> pause the operation of ICANN SSR2 RT (
> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ssr2-review/attachments/20171028/75f32820/SSR2Letter-0001.pdf).
> The Board has received and carefully considered advice from the SSAC and
> feedback from a number of SO/AC chairs expressing concern about the
> composition, process and structure of the Security, Stability and
> Resiliency Review (SSR2).
> Since, October, 2017 SSR2 RT was in pause mode, and June, 2018 Internet
> Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organization announces
> the formal restart of the Second Review of the Security, Stability, and
> Resiliency of the Domain Name System (SSR2) with addition of more new
> members to the RT (https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2018-06-07-en).
> ICANN also appointed Phil Khoury as an external professional to facilitate
> the transition process and help the review team in restarting and moving
> forward with its work.
> Since the un-pause note, the team has held about five online remote
> meeting to address various issues related with SSR2 work.
> Finally, we are meeting in Washington DC from 22 - 24 August, 2018 in our
> first Face-to-Face meeting to take forward our work.
> Looking forward working with you all and as always your usual support and
> advice will be highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> MATOGORO Jabhera
> Assistant Lecturer
> College of Informatics and Virtual Education
> The University of Dodoma
> P.O Box 490,
> Dodoma.
> Website: www.udom.ac.tz
> *IEEE Membership ID: 93934185*
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