[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Governance Weekly Biref : IGF 2018 call for issues; Facebook's data Scandal; UNCTAD on e-privacy & e-commerce; France on Artificial Intelligence; Access in Africa...

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 18:03:41 UTC 2018


This week, following the last IGF Open consultation and MAG meeting; the secretariat has launched a call for issues asking stakeholders subjects of high interest to shape the agenda of the IGF 2018.

On data protection, Facebook has launched a range of new tools in an effort to “put people in more control over their privacy” in the build up to new EU regulations that tighten up data protection. The changes come after a troubling two weeks for the company, which is battling with the fallout of the Cambridge Analytica files. According to UNCTAD, privacy concerns raised after the revelation that a political data firm gained access to millions of Facebook users without their consent “vividly illustrates that most countries are ill prepared for the digital economy.”

On digital economy, the European Commission has proposed new rules to ensure that digital business activities are taxed in a fair and growth-friendly way in the EU. The measures would make the EU a global leader in designing tax laws fit for the modern economy and the digital age. On domain name, European Commission says United Kingdom registrants will not be able to renew their domains after Brexit is completed.

African countries will fully exploit mobile devices and the internet by 2020, to conduct demographic and housing censuses more speedily and cost-effectively, hence enhancing decision making for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Nevertheless, new research indicates more than $4008million in public funding collected to expand internet access in Africa is sitting dormant in public coffers.

On Artificial intelligence, France has launched a big initiative around artificial intelligence wanting to turn the country into one of leading  countries when it comes to artificial intelligence.

Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as document on cybergeopolitics, hate online speech, security...

See sources and review here


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