[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Governance Weekly Brief : 1.5bn sensitive files exposed on Internet; Facebook to remove 270 pages; 87 million users affected by Cambridge Analytica; Cable ACE cut..

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 6 18:16:17 UTC 2018


This week; data protection and cyber safety on Internet governance headline as about 1.5 billion sensitive online files, from pay stubs to medical scans to patent applications, are visible on the open internet, security researchers said on Thursday.

Facebook is removing more than 270 pages and accounts operated by the same Russian organization which attempted to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election, said CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Also, the firm said Wednesday that Cambridge Analytica may have had information on about 87 million Facebook users without the users' knowledge. By the way, a senior EU official has called for action against internet companies that harvest personal data, as Brussels prepares to move against those spreading “fake news” following the Cambridge Analytica revelations. In addition, Moscow will work to ensure that standards for Internet conduct are established at the UN, Russian Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov said, commenting on the blocking of a number of Facebook accounts.

On cyber cooperation; data protection, cybersecurity and the potential for misinformation online are expected to top the agenda of a series of meetings between Seán Kelly MEP and technology and software companies in Silicon Valley, California .

On digital economy, during the next five years, UNCTAD and Alibaba will help empower 1,000 entrepreneurs in developing countries to use digital transformation for more inclusive and sustainable economic development.

On infrastructure, the ACE (African Coast to Europe) submarine cable that runs along the west coast of Africa between France and South Africa (connecting 22 countries), was damaged on March 30. Reports of problems started appearing in social media over the next several days with 10 of the 22 countries having significant disruptions.

On net neutrality, The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) officially filed to join lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in an effort to reverse its ending of net neutrality rules, The Hill reports<http://thehill.com/policy/technology/381828-video-game-industry-group-joins-lawsuit-against-fcc-over-net-neutrality>.

On hate speech online, Myanmar rights groups say Facebook (FB<http://markets.cbsnews.com/fb/quote/>) has failed to adequately act against online hate speech that incites violence against the country's Muslim minority.

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