[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi: Time zone and schedule

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Mon Oct 30 06:04:10 UTC 2017

Dear all / Bonjour à tous,

EN:  Please remember that time zone in Abu Dhabi is UTC+4

  *   Full schedule of ICANN 60 at https://go.icann.org/2y6kfVm
  *   Download mobile application  https://meetingapp.icann.org/
  *   Please note that the Africa Strategy Session during ICANN 60 is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1 • 15:15 - 16:45  ( 11:15 -  12:45  UTC) in Hall A, Sec. B/C in Abu Dhabi.  More information at https://schedule.icann.org/event/CbGl/africa-strategy-session

FR : Prière vous rappeler que le fuseau horaire à Abu Dhabi est UTC+4

  *   Tout sur la réunion ICANN 60 à https://meetings.icann.org/en/abudhabi60
  *   Télécharger l’application mobile https://meetingapp.icann.org/
  *   Une session sur la stratégie africaine de l’ICANN aura lieu le Mercredi  1er Novembre de 15 :15 à 16 :45 (11 :15-12 :30 UTC) dans Hall A, Sec. B/C à Abu Dhabi . Plus d’information sur la session à https://schedule.icann.org/event/CbGl/africa-strategy-session

Thanks / Merci

Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager- Africa;  ICANN
Tel.  +229 66015649/65209067

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