[AfrICANN-discuss] AfriDNS - Internet governance at the local level

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.na
Thu Nov 16 13:05:04 UTC 2017

Aren't you contradicting yourself?


On 16/11/2017 13:29, Baudouin SCHOMBE wrote:
> While I agree with you, Dr. Eberhard, I think Alan has highlighted a
> very important point.
> This is absolutely correct that you should not compare ccTLDs to
> ccTLDs, nor ccTLDs to gTLDs, let alone ccTLDs to gTLDs or gTLDs to
> gTLDs.  Indeed, they are products that can not have the same values
> But what is important is that we need to give more importance to
> ccTLDs if we are to build localizable digital citizens, proud to
> belong to a digital entity. For me, a country represents a digital
> entity and therefore a subsystem in a global system.
> Without excluding the choice of a citizen, while respecting the rules
> of competition, would it not be wise, in the context of the trust that
> we must consolidate in cyberspace, to market on the ccTLD?
> It's a personal point of view.
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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