[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Governance Weekly Brief : Trump to reconsider Net Neutrality and Privacy Shield; Russia and China on Information Security...

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 27 16:30:52 UTC 2017


This week,  President Donald Trump has named Ajit Pai as the 34th chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Ajit Pai is reportedly seen as opponent of net neutrality. On data protection, according to medias, an Executive Order<https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/01/25/presidential-executive-order-enhancing-public-safety-interior-united> signed by U.S. President Donald Trump could jeopardize a six-month-old data transfer framework that enables EU citizens' personal data to flow to the U.S. for processing. In Russia, according to Herman klimenko, Presidential Aide for Information Security; limited the World-Wide web like in China is the sole possibility to ensure Russia's information security. In China, chinese regulators have unveiled new controls limiting access to overseas websites.  Below, informations on those subjects as well as documents on cybersecurity, domain name..

See full document here
Internet Governance Weekly Brief : Trump to reconsider Net Neutrality and Privacy Shield; Russia and China on Information Security...<http://www.diplointernetgovernance.org/profiles/blogs/internet-governance-weekly-brief-trump-to-reconsider-net>
SUMMARY This week,  President Donald Trump has named Ajit Pai as the 34th chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Ajit Pai is seen as opponent of n...

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