[AfrICANN-discuss] Remote participation for Workshop Jan 23-24 in Nairobi

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Sun Jan 22 19:31:55 UTC 2017


ENGLISH:  To participate remotely


Option 1:  https://participate.icann.org/gac-workshop.

 Option 2: PGI bridge for this so phone only participants will be able to join up. The details for that are below:

 Dial-In Numbers: https://www.myrcplus.com/cnums.asp?bwebid=8369444&ppc=7502538295&num=1-605-475-5604

Participant Passcode: 7502538295

Host Passcode: 5947442318


More information on the workshop at https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2017-01-13-en 



FRANÇAIS :  Pour y participer à distance

Option 1: https://participate.icann.org/gac-workshop.

 Option 2 : Vous pouvez aussi appeler l ‘un des numéros dans le lien suivant :

 Dial-In Numbers: https://www.myrcplus.com/cnums.asp?bwebid=8369444&ppc=7502538295&num=1-605-475-5604 

Participant Passcode: 7502538295

Host Passcode: 5947442318


Plus d’information sur l’atelier à https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2017-01-13-fr 




Yaovi Atohoun

Stakeholder Engagement & Operations Manager – Africa

Tel.  +229 66015649/ 97891228 / 65209067


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