[AfrICANN-discuss] AfrICANN Digest, Vol 126, Issue 3
Alagie Ceesay
aceesay84 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 23:32:56 UTC 2017
Thank you for this great summary Mamadou.
On Friday, August 4, 2017, <africann-request at afrinic.net> wrote:
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> than "Re: Contents of AfrICANN digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. IG Weekly Brief : United Nations & GIFCT v/ terrorism content
> online; Africa Union-China cyber cooperation; More youth online;
> Wannacry stopper arrested; Russia bans VPNs; China leads
> broadband access; EU's new cybersecurity centre... (Mamadou LO)
> 2. Revue Hebdo Gouv Internet : Nations unies v/ contenus
> extr?mistes; Coop?ration cyberespace UA-Chine; le stopper de
> Wannacry arret?; Plus de jeunes en ligne selon l'UIT; VPNs
> interdits en Russie; LACIGF 2017 (Mamadou LO)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 18:13:07 +0000
> From: Mamadou LO <alfamamadou at hotmail.com <javascript:;>>
> To: "NCSG-DISCUSS at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU <javascript:;>" <
> ncsg-discuss at listserv.syr.edu <javascript:;>>,
> "fellowships-alumni at icann.org <javascript:;>" <
> fellowships-alumni at icann.org <javascript:;>>,
> "outreach_com_2015 at intgovforum.org <javascript:;>"
> <outreach_com_2015 at intgovforum.org <javascript:;>>, "
> igmena at dgroups.org <javascript:;>"
> <igmena at dgroups.org <javascript:;>>, "africann at afrinic.net
> <javascript:;>" <africann at afrinic.net <javascript:;>>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] IG Weekly Brief : United Nations & GIFCT
> v/ terrorism content online; Africa Union-China cyber cooperation;
> More youth online; Wannacry stopper arrested; Russia bans VPNs;
> China
> leads broadband access; EU's new cybersecurity centre...
> Message-ID:
> <
> DB6P194MB01039F4F8457D194E34302A3BBB20 at DB6P194MB0103.EURP194.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
> <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> This week; The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution
> Wednesday urging all countries "to act cooperatively to prevent terrorists
> from acquiring weapons" including via the internet or social networks. The
> Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) set up by Facebook,
> Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube to counter the threat of terrorist content
> online hold its first meeting on 01 August in San Francisco.
> The 22-year-old British security researcher who discovers the "kill
> switch" that stopped the outbreak of theWannacry ransomware has been
> reportedly arrested in the United States after attending the Def Con
> hacking conference in Las Vegas.
> Data released by ITU show that 830 million young people are online,
> representing 80 per cent of the youth population in 104 countries. ITU?s
> ICT Facts and Figures 2017 also shows a significant increase in broadband
> access and subscriptions with China leading the way.
> The African Union and China are seeking to deepen collaboration on
> Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development especially in
> the building of a secure, open and peaceful cyberspace while the European
> Commission's vice president and EU digital chief, Andrus Ansip, wants to
> set up a new cybersecurity centre in a bid to certify the security level of
> technology products.
> On digital economy, BRICS reached a consensus specifying emerging
> industries characterized by the internet, digitization and intelligence
> have deeply changed traditional business model.
> On access, Russian president Vladimir Putin formally signed a law that
> prohibits the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) and other internet
> proxy services while Apple remove VPNs from APP store in China.
> On artificial intelligence, "Just days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk pointed
> out that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be a potential risk to
> humanity, Facebook decided to pull the plug on one of its AI systems that
> started to speak in their own language".
> On net neutrality, "Democrat senators are urging the Federal
> Communications Commission (FCC) to extend the public comment period on its
> proposal to scrap the net neutrality rules".
> On Internet of Things, "the Senate introduced the ?Internet of Things
> (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017?, which aims to bolster the
> security of government-acquired IoT devices".
> On Fake news, "Facebook is to step up its efforts to fight fake news by
> sending more suspected hoax stories to fact-checkers and publishing their
> findings online".
> On events, we note LACIGF 2017.
> Below, informations on thoses subjects and events as well as documents
> ICANN, domain name, encryption..
> See review in full here
> http://www.diplointernetgovernance.org/profiles/blogs/ig-weekly-
> brief-un-amp-gifct-v-terrorism-content-online-africa
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> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 18:29:23 +0000
> From: Mamadou LO <alfamamadou at hotmail.com <javascript:;>>
> To: "alfamamadou40 at gmail.com <javascript:;>" <alfamamadou40 at gmail.com
> <javascript:;>>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Revue Hebdo Gouv Internet : Nations unies
> v/ contenus extr?mistes; Coop?ration cyberespace UA-Chine; le
> stopper
> de Wannacry arret?; Plus de jeunes en ligne selon l'UIT; VPNs
> interdits en Russie; LACIGF 2017
> Message-ID:
> <
> DB6P194MB0103E38182B59672B55FB304BBB60 at DB6P194MB0103.EURP194.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
> <javascript:;>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> R?SUM?
> Cette semaine; Le Conseil de s?curit? de l'ONU a adopt? ? l'unanimit? une
> r?solution demandant tous les pays de coop?rer "pour emp?cher les
> terroristes d'acqu?rir des armes", y compris via internet ou les r?seaux
> sociaux. Le forum Internet mondial pour lutter contre le terrorisme (GIFCT)
> mis en place par Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter et YouTube a tenu sa premi?re
> r?union le 1er ao?t ? San Francisco.
> Le chercheur en cyber s?curit? qui a stopp? la propogation de Wannacry
> aurait ?t? arr?t? aux ?tats-Unis.
> Les donn?es publi?es par l'UIT montrent que 830 millions de jeunes sont en
> ligne, repr?sentant 80% de la population de jeunes dans 104 pays. Le
> rapport de l'UIT 2017 montrent ?galement une augmentation significative de
> l'acc?s ? large bande et des abonnements avec la Chine en t?te.
> L'Union africaine et la Chine cherchent ? approfondir la collaboration sur
> le d?veloppement des technologies de l'information et de la communication
> (TIC), en particulier dans la construction d'un cyberespace s?curis?,
> ouvert et pacifique au moment ou le vice-pr?sident de la Commission
> europ?enne et le Responsable du Num?rique de l'UE, Andrus Ansip, veulent
> mettre en place un Nouveau centre de cybers?curit? afin de certifier le
> niveau de s?curit? des produits technologiques.
> Sur l'?conomie num?rique, les BRICS ont atteint un consensus sur les
> technologies ?mergentes caract?ris?es par Internet, la num?risation et
> l'intelligence artificielle et qui vont profond?ment chang? le mod?le
> d'affaires traditionnel.
> Sur l'acc?s, le pr?sident russe Vladimir Poutine a officiellement sign?
> une loi qui interdit l'utilisation de r?seaux priv?s virtuels (VPN) et
> d'autres services proxy Internet, tandis que Apple supprime les VPN de son
> APP en Chine.
> Sur l'intelligence artificielle, "Quelques jours apr?s que Musk, CEO de
> Tesla, a soulign? que l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pourrait constituer
> un risque potentiel pour l'humanit?, Facebook a d?cid? de retirer l'un de
> ses syst?mes AI qui a commenc? ? parler dans sa propre langue".
> En ce qui concerne la neutralit? du net, ?les s?nateurs am?ricains
> d?mocrates demandent ? la Commission f?d?rale des communications (FCC)
> d'?tendre la p?riode de commentaires publics sur sa proposition de
> supprimer les r?gles de neutralit? du net?.
> Sur les ?v?nements, nous notons LACIGF 2017.
> Ci-dessous, informations sur ces sujets et ?v?nements ainsi que sur des
> documents sur ICANN, les noms de domaine, le cryptage ...
> Voir revue ici
> http://www.diplointernetgovernance.org/profiles/blogs/revue-hebdo-
> gouv-internet-nations-unies-v-contenus-extr-mistes
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