[AfrICANN-discuss] Report of Youth IGF Meeting in Sudan
Olévié Kouami
olivierkouami at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 07:05:06 UTC 2016
Congrats Dr.
2016-09-02 7:11 GMT+01:00 Ahmed Eisa Omshagara Sudan <
ahmed22digital at gmail.com>:
> congratulation dr. hago ,,, it is great work
> Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa <ahmed22digital at gmail.com>
> +249123031155 Sudani
> +249912331155 Zain
> Gedaref digital city organization <http://gedaref.com/>(GDCO) is a
> nongovernmental and nonprofit organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of
> the Telecentres movement <http://community.telecentre.org/profile/AHMED>
> where ICT is used for community development. .
> <http://www.unite-it.eu/profiles/blog/list?user=21w449uixv4i>GDCO is the winner
> of seven (7)information
> <http://www.unite-it.eu/profiles/blogs/gdco-sudan-winner-of-seven-iformation-for-development-awards>
> for development awards. It the founder of the firstTelecentre academy in
> Africa and middle east and the thirteen in world ..GDCO is founded in
> partnership with the Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands and
> supported by Eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects (SPEG )
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 11:37 PM, Hago Dafalla <dafalla at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Dear Friends;
>> I am writing to share our Meeting report for an event (of Youth IGF
>> Meeting in Sudan) that was held at University of Gezira, Wad Medani,
>> Sudan, North Africa, on 28 August 2016, as attachment file here
>> Thanks
>> Hag Dafalla
>> Youth IGF Coordinator in Sudan
*Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI*
*Co-Gérantt de O and K IT SOLUTIONS sarl **Editeur de logiciels de gestion
(PGI/ERP) S.I.G.E. (http://www.oandkit.com <http://www.oandkit.com>)*
*Président/CEO de l'INTIC4DEV (Institut des TIC pour le développement)
*Eminent National Expert for the World Summit Award
(http://www.wsis-award.org <http://www.wsis-award.org>) *
*Secrétaire Général de l'ESTETIC - Association Togolaise des
professionnels des TIC (http://www.estetic.tg <http://www.estetic.tg>)*
*ICANN-GNSO-NCSG-NPOC (http://www.npoc.org/ <http://www.npoc.org/>) **ICANN
- Fellow & Alumni (http://www.icann.org <http://www.icann.org>) - Membre de
Internet Society (http://www.isoc.org <http://www.isoc.org>)-**Membre
fondateur du RIK-Togo (Réseau Interprofessionnel du Karité au Togo) *(
*Skype : olevie1 FaceBook : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé –
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