[AfrICANN-discuss] Enhancing Local Engagement in Internet Governance in Africa

Matogoro Jabera jaberamatogoro at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 15:32:17 UTC 2016

I am writing to share ICANNWiki August Newsletter just in case you missed
it. Our workshop was featured in this Newsletter.

Please find attached.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Matogoro Jabera <jaberamatogoro at gmail.com>

> Sorry for Cross posting!
> I am writing to share our workshop report for an event that was held at
> University of Dodoma, Tanzania, East Africa.
> Internet Governance Youth Community (YouthCom) workshop initiative targets
> to introduce the youth from various backgrounds in Tanzania not only to
> ICANN but the wider Internet ecosystem with an aim of ensuring this new
> audience, are prepared early enough to help them participate effectively in
> the internet ecosystem.
> The overarching objectives of this workshop is to promote local engagement
> of African communities in Internet Governance, create awareness about ICANN
> and build capacity of African local community towards addressing future
> challenge of the internet in Africa.
> Just as a summary on our achievements:
>    - 22 users contributed to ICANNWiki Swahili Platform
>    - 312 edits  were completed
>    -  145 articles were translated
>    -  138 newly created articles
> We are committed to make Swahili Content on Internet Governance is
> available in the Internet and addressing the local content challenge using
> our own language.
> Regards,
> --
> MATOGORO Jabhera
> Assistant Lecturer & Coordinator - Microsoft Innovation Center, Tanzania
> College of Informatics and Virtual Education
> The University of Dodoma (www.udom.ac.tz)

Assistant Lecturer & Coordinator - Microsoft Innovation Center, Tanzania
College of Informatics and Virtual Education
The University of Dodoma (www.udom.ac.tz)
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