[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections - unfortunate Africa d

SM sm at resistor.net
Thu Sep 1 04:49:12 UTC 2016

Hi Walu, Mike, Paulos,
At 09:17 31-08-2016, Walubengo J wrote:
>I know it is a touchy subject but fortunately or unfortunately I stand by it.

A few months ago, the Association Française pour 
le Nommage Internet en Coopération published a 
report about ICANN diversity.  According to the 
report, "Africa, Latin America and Asia are 
under-represented" as "ICANN community leaders".

At 07:48 31-08-2016, Dr Paulos B Nyirenda wrote:
>is not the lever that I want to go down to in 
>this case for ICANN Board Members, I am talking 
>about regional diversity as defined in the ICANN 
>system as well as in our own Africa Region Internet institutions
>I am not instigating for a quota other than what 
>is already in the bylaws BUT I am asking for 
>some reasonablenes in aclaimed ICANN diversity 
>which  I do not see in the current NomCom 
>selection, that is the observation that I am making.

I tried to find information about one of the 
region's internet institution.  Unfortunately, 
the Africa Top Level Domain does not make its 
constitution available on its website.  The ICANN 
bylaws has a "diversity calculation".  The ALAC 
Representative for the region is better qualified to explain how that works.


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