[AfrICANN-discuss] PDWG Co-Chair Election 2016: Final Candidate Slate

AFRINIC Communication comm-announce at afrinic.net
Fri May 27 14:34:55 UTC 2016

Dear Colleagues,

NomCom2016 would like to announce that only one nomination was received and consequently approved towards the position of one co-chair of the PDWG (Policy Development Working Group).

The candidate is Sami Hassan Omer Salih from Sudan.

Full candidate information has been published at:http://afrinic.net/en/community/elections/pdwg-election

Election will be held during the AFRINIC24 public policy meeting that will be held in Gaborone on 08 June 2016.
More information is available at: http://www.afrinic.net/en/community/elections/pdwg-election?showall=1
For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee by email to nomcom2016 at afrinic.net
2016 Nominations Committee

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