[AfrICANN-discuss] Weekly web review : Wsis Forum, LACNIC 25, Middle East DNS Forum, Cyberpolitics, General Data Protection Regulation, Roaming, Net neutrality, New gTLD..

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Fri May 6 18:00:16 UTC 2016


This week, Cyberpolitics with russian authorities reportedly looking for China's help to seek greater control of information on the 
internet;  and Microsoft accepting invitation from UN security council to adress special debate on digital terror next week.
As for Internet regualtion in Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  
is published in the Official Journal of the European Union on May 04 meaning one has until May 25, 2018 to ensure data processing activities comply with newly adopted GDPR requirements. Besides, the European commission introduce the roaming charge cap ahead of the complete abolition of roaming charges in June 2017. On net neutrality, civil society organisations sent a letter urging European 
telecommunications regulators to preserve internet neutrality in their 
current negotiations regarding the future of the internet in Europe. 
As for domain names, 2020 is likely the "earliest realistic timeframe for the
 next round of new gTLD applications" according to Akram Attalah, head of ICANN's global domains division.
For internet governance events, WSIS Forum 2016 in Geneva, LACNIC 25 in Cuba and MIDDLE EAST DNS Forum in Tunis all happenend this week.
Below, informations on those subjects and events as well as documents on G7 ICTs ministerial meeting, cyberpolitics, blockchain,  Big data..

See review in full here: 



Mamadou LO
Chef du Département Communication et Information Documentaire
Head of Communication and Information Department
Crédit Agricole Sénégal
Tel : 221 77 645 59 57

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