[AfrICANN-discuss] NEWS: Joint Study Identifies Infrastructure Development as Top Priority for ICT in Africa

SM sm at resistor.net
Sun Feb 28 22:08:23 UTC 2016

Hi Betel,
At 04:10 25-02-2016, Betel Hailu wrote:
>The results, contained in a report setting out the survey findings, 
>highlight infrastructure development as the key consideration for 
>African ICT policymakers today while pointing to a changing set of 
>ICT priorities in the next three years to include data protection 
>and privacy, in addition to connectivity and cyber security.

The study is a survey of "African ICT Policy makers who attended the 
1st ordinary meeting of the STC on Communication and ICT of the 
African Union".  Is that mostly government officials?

Is asking a government official whether the government "gives 
importance to Open
Internet" a good question?


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