[AfrICANN-discuss] Reminder: Nomination Period Open For ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos Award | Award Targeted for ICANN 56 | Nominations Close 12 March 2016

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Wed Feb 10 14:06:19 UTC 2016

Dear all,

ICANN is pleased to remind community members that the nomination period for
ICANN'sMultistakeholder Ethos Award is open until 12 March 2016. This award
program, launched in June 2014 in London, seeks to recognize long-standing
community members who have served in leadership roles in multiple ICANN
working groups or committees, and demonstrated collaboration with
differentSupporting Organizations and/or Advisory Committees. Please read
more at https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-02-09-en

Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations  Manager ­ Africa
ICANN ­  www.icann.org
Mobile : +229 66015649 / 97891228

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