[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections - unfortunate Africa distribution

Olévié Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 04:49:01 UTC 2016

+1 @ Dr Nyirenda-Jere
Le 31 août 2016 01:38, "Dr Paulos Nyirenda" <paulos at sdnp.org.mw> a écrit :

> On 30 Aug 2016 at 15:50, Yaovi Atohoun wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Please read more about the NomCom announcement
> > at https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-08-29-en
> I see it as unfortunate that both ICANN board members from the Africa
> region in this
> ICANN NomCom selection come from North Africa.
> I see it as loss of geographic diversity as well as loss of diversity in
> community
> representation in this selection and in the resulting ICANN Board
> representation.
> I do not blame this on North Africa,  the rest of Africa simply needs to
> push for and
> move forward into occupying such positions and NomCom needs to look out
> for such
> disparities.
> It is my hope that this unfortunate ICANN Board distribution is not
> because there were
> no good applicants from the rest of Africa, did the ICANN NomCom fail to
> attract good
> enough candidates from the rest of Africa?
> Regards,
> Paulos
> ======================
> Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
> NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
> http://www.registrar.mw
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