[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: AU Launches Internet Exchange Point in Mauritius: “Keeping intra-country internet traffic within the country”

Kawsu Sillah kawsu.sillah at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 12:26:39 UTC 2015


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From: *AfricanBrains - Technology News* <
AfricanBrainsTechnologyNews at africanbrains.org>
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Subject: AU Launches Internet Exchange Point in Mauritius: “Keeping
intra-country internet traffic within the country”
To: Kawsu Sillah <sillahkawsu at yahoo.com>

AfricanBrains - Technology News - AU Launches Internet Exchange Point in
Mauritius: “Keeping intra-country internet traffic within the country”
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*Tuesday, September 1, 2015*

   - AU Launches Internet Exchange Point in Mauritius: “Keeping
   intra-country internet traffic within the country”

AU Launches Internet Exchange Point in Mauritius: “Keeping intra-country
internet traffic within the country”
Sep 2015 07:18 am*

African Union Commission (AUC), through the Infrastructure and Energy
Department, in collaboration with the Ministry of Technology, Communication
and Innovation today officially operationalized the Internet Exchange Point
in Mauritius. After the launch H.E. Dr. Elham Ibrahim, African Union
Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, paid a courtesy call to H.E.
Bibi Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim, President ... *
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*KAWSU SILLAH* <http://www.about.me/ksillah>

*A World at School*
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