[AfrICANN-discuss] MacArthur Foundation awards $425, 000 to SHARIAsource project led by Intisar Rabb | Harvard Law Today

Arsene Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 06:41:05 UTC 2015

 I thought you might like this post. 
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has awarded $425,000 over two years for the development of SHARIAsource—an online Islamic law resource founded and directed by Harvard Law School Professor Intisar Rabb, who is also a Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. SHARIAsource is built on a model of broad collaboration, calling on the resources of the Harvard Law School Library, other educational institutions, and expert scholars of Islamic law around the world to build a clearinghouse that collects the research and highlights the expertise and scholarship of each. The initiative is […]
 Check out the full post @ http://today.law.harvard.edu/macarthur-foundation-awards-425000-to-shariasource-project-led-by-intisar-rabb/

Arsene Tungali,
Executive Director, Rudi International.
Founder & Director, Mabingwa Forum.

Mandela Washington Fellow. ICANN Fellow. ISOC IGF Ambassador. Blogger. Child Online Protection. Communications Specialist.

Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sent from Huawei Mobile (excuse typos)

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