[AfrICANN-discuss] Africa Strategy session , Tuesday 20th, 11-12.15, Room L4 Foyer

Stephen Honlue stephen.honlue at afrinic.net
Tue Oct 20 06:09:36 UTC 2015


Can you please provide the time zone?


On 10/19/15 10:48 PM, Dandjinou Pierre wrote:
> Dear Participants to ICANN 54 and listers, Chers Participants a ICANN
> 54 et listiers,
> As you already know, there will be an update on the implementation of
> ICANN's Africa Strategy at a session scheduled for Tuesday 20th, from
> 11-12.15 in Room L4 Foyer. Here is the proposed agenda :
> Comme vous le savez, il est prevu une mise a jour sur la mise en
> oeuvre de la strategie africaine de l'ICANN pour l'Afrique le Mardi 20
> Octobre de 11 a 12.15 dans la salle L4 Foyer; Voici l'ordre du jour
> propose : 
>   * Welcome and presentation of the Africa Strategy (20mn)
>   * Q/A (25mn)
>   * Preparations for Marrakech (10mn)
>   * Q/A (10mn)
>   * AoB (a-Funding mechanisms for the Africa strategy; b-ICANN's
>     presence in Africa..) (10mn)
> Remote participation will be possible at
> https://meetings.icann.org/en/dublin54/schedule/tue-africa-strategy
> Pierre Dandjinou
> Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610
> Dakar 221 77 639 30 41
> www.scg.bj <http://www.scg.bj/>
> skype : sagbo1953
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Stay blessed and filled with the presence of GOD.
Musa Stephen HONLUE
t: +230 403 51 00 |f: +230 466 6758 |tt: @afrinic |w:www.afrinic.net
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Join us for AFRINIC-23 in Brazzaville, Congo - 21 to 27 November 2015

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