[AfrICANN-discuss] Call for Endorsements: Joint Statement on WSIS+10

Dawit Bekele bekele at isoc.org
Fri Nov 27 06:25:14 UTC 2015

Dear colleagues,

As you might already know, at the conclusion of the IGF 2015 event in Brazil, a number of organizations came together to endorse a joint statement around the need to renew the mandate of the IGF and to continue to call for the WSIS+10 Review Process to be open to all stakeholders. You can read the statement at:


and see the current list of signatories at:


I would like to encourage more organisation to sign on to the statement as either an organization or individual since this is important for the future of the Internet. To sign the statement please go to:


Thank you,

Dawit Bekele
Director, African Regional Bureau
Internet Society
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