[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [IANA Oversight] Fwd: [CCWG-ACCT] Volume 11: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions

Bob omondibob at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 05:46:01 UTC 2015

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> From: Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at gmail.com>
> Date: 3 November 2015 at 8:36:12 AM EAT
> To: ianaoversight at afrinic.net, ianaccwg at nira.org.ng
> Subject: [IANA Oversight] Fwd: [CCWG-ACCT] Volume 11: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions
> Fyi
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad at icann.org>
> Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:18 PM
> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Volume 11: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions
> To: Accountability Cross Community <accountability-cross-community at icann.org>
> Original link:https://www.icann.org/news/blog/volume-11-an-update-on-iana-stewardship-discussions
> Volume 11: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions
> Following ICANN54, the IANA Stewardship Transition is now a step closer
> The ICG and CCWG-Accountability met in Dublin during ICANN54 to continue work on their proposals in wake of the feedback received during the two public comment periods that ended in September. The ICG was successful in completing its Consolidated IANA Stewardship Proposal and is now awaiting the finalization of the CCWG-Accountability’s Work Stream 1 Recommendations. When CCWG-Accountability finalizes its Work Stream 1 recommendations, and the CWG-Stewardship confirms that the recommendations meet its requirements, the ICGcan consider its proposal complete and begin the process of submitting it to the NTIA.
> Consolidated IANA Stewardship Proposal
> Taking into account an analysis of the public comments received during the public comment period that ended on 8 September 2015, and after a number of working sessions duringICANN54 in Dublin, the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has announcedthat it has finalized its proposal. However, before the ICG sends the proposal to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) via the ICANN Board, it will first confirm with the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) that its accountability requirements have been met by Work Stream 1 recommendations currently being finalized by the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability).TheICG has decided to keep its mailing lists active until 30 September 2016 to enable the community to continue to contact them, if needed. It is also seeking feedback from the threeIANA operational communities (names, numbers and protocol parameters) to see if they would like ICG to play a role during the implementation of the IANA Stewardship Transition. The ICGwill not hold any more face-to-face meetings and will only hold conference calls on an as-needed basis.
> There are still some implementation details to be finalized for the transition, including the issue of the IANA trademark and intellectual property rights (IPR). The CWG-Stewardship will work with the two other operational communities to find a solution to the IPR issue that meets the needs of all three communities.
> CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 1 Recommendations
> Following the 12 September end of the public comment period for the 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations, the CCWG-Accountability held a face-to-face meeting, 25-26 September, in Los Angeles, and a number of working sessions in Dublin during ICANN54. As a result of its work to incorporate the feedback from the community, including feedback from the ICANN Board, the CCWG-Accountability made a number of adjustments and refinements to its draft recommendations. As a result of the adjustments, the CCWG-Accountability has decided to send the revised recommendations for a third public comment period.
> The third comment period will have a two-stage approach so the community can begin reviewing the materials as soon as possible. This is to enable the report on Work Stream 1 recommendations to be finalized and sent to the ICANN Board by mid January 2016, ensuring there are minimal effects on the timeline of the IANA Stewardship Transition.
> Key dates
> 15 Nov 2015
> A high-level overview of Work Stream 1 Recommendations and a summary of changes from the 2nd Draft Proposal to be:
> Released for a 35-day public comment period
> Sent to the CCWG-Accountability’s Chartering Organizations for their feedback
> 30 Nov 2015
> Full third draft report on Work Stream 1 Recommendations released for 20 days of consultation
> Early Jan 2016
> Amended report submitted to Chartering Organizations
> Mid Jan 2016
> Potential face-to-face meeting for Chartering Organizations, if needed, to decide whether to support the report
> Mid Jan 2016
> CCWG-Accountability to submit final report to the ICANN Board, enabling theICG to also submit its final report
> For more information on the amendments that the CCWG-Accountability decided to pursue in Dublin, see the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability ICANN54 co-Chairs' Statement.
> IANA Stewardship Transition in the news
> 27 Oct 2015
> Governments v. ICANN: The Last Battle Before the IANA Transition, Council on Foreign Relations [EN]
> 23 Oct 2015
> ICANN and IANA: Making the right – not a rash – decision, American Enterprise Institute [EN]
> 13 Oct 2015
> Perché 40 mila ore di lavoro non sono bastate a trovare un accordo sul futuro di Internet senza la guida USA, CheFuturo! [IT]
> 29 Sep 2015
> IANA-Aufgabe durch USA weiter unter Zeitdruck: Auf Messers Schneide, Heise [DE]
> You can play a role in IANA’s future…
> Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's stewardship and ICANNaccountability. For information on joining CCWG-Accountability, contact accountability-staff at icann.org.
> Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson | 2 November 2015
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> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Seun Ojedeji,
> Federal University Oye-Ekiti
> web:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
> Mobile: +2348035233535
> alt email: seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng
> Bringing another down does not take you up - think about your action!
> <smime.p7s>
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