[AfrICANN-discuss] AFRINIC Board Appoints a new CEO

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 18:57:56 UTC 2015

Great news.
Great job Board and Selection committee.

Welcome Alan, please lead us as we work on developping the African IT

>From the DRC,

**Arsène Tungali**,
Co-Founder & Executive Director,
*Rudi International* www.rudiinternational.org

Founder & Director, *Mabingwa Forum*

Mobile: +243993810967
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/arsene.tungali> - Twitter
<http://www.twitter.com/arsenebaguma> - LinkedIn
Skype: arsenetungali
Democratic Republic Of Congo
*Actualité chez Rudi International:* *Le Project Noel 2014 s'est tres bien
passé et nous remercions les uns les autres pour leur appui. Voir les
photos de la célébration ICI
Vous pouvez déjà donner pour la Noël 2015  ICI.

*Actualité chez Mabingwa Forum:** La 2e edition de Mabingwa Forum s'est
tenu a Goma, du 5 au 7 décembre 2014 et fut un grand succès (voir les
La 3e edition se tient a Goma du 4 au 6 décembre 2014. Prenez déjà votre
inscription <http://mabingwa-forum.com/get-in-touch/>*

2015-03-27 20:20 GMT+02:00 Mathias HOUNGBO <mathias at houngbo.net>:

>  Congratulations Alan
> Open source is not limited to software and it is not limited to english
> either!
> Mefies toi de la médiocrité, c'est la moisissure de l'esprit
> --
> Made in Bénin - http://mathias.houngbo.net
> Président ONG IGBANet - http://www.igbanet.org/
> System and Network Administrator at BCEAO Bénin
> Le 27/03/2015 15:35, Sunday Folayan a écrit :
> >
> Dear Members,
> I am pleased to inform you that the board has completed the process for
> the recruitment of the Chief Executive Officer of AFRINIC.
> Mr Alan Barrett will assume the role of CEO of AFRINIC with effect from
> 20th April 2015 for a term of 3 years in the first instance. He replaces
> Mr Adiel Akplogan, who served as the Pioneer CEO, until January 2015.
> Alan Barrett's involvement with the Internet began in 1989, when he was
> a lecturer in the Electronic Engineering department at the University of
> Natal, Durban, South Africa.  During 1990 and 1991, he played a key part
> in the transformation of the South African universities network to the
> TCP/IP protocols and in its connection to the global Internet.  He
> operated the primary name server for .ZA at that time.
> He was a co-founder of South Africa's first commercial Internet service
> provider, in 1993.
> In 1997, he was one of the four authors of the proposal to form AFRINIC,
> and he served on the AFRINIC Board from its inception until 2009.  He
> has been a member of the ASO Address Council since 2005.  He is
> currently a member of the CRISP Team, which drafted the number resource
> community's response to the ICG's request for proposals. He is also a
> member of the ICG, which is preparing a proposal for the transition of
> the IANA functions away from oversight by the US government's NTIA.
> He was also one of the founding members of the South African chapter of
> the Internet Society, and one of the founding members of Namespace ZA,
> an organisation that was intended to oversee the .ZA ccTLD before that
> role was taken over by legislation.
> Join me in congratulating Alan, and wishing him the best in his new
> position.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Sunday Folayan
> Chair, AFRINIC Board
> >
> >
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