[AfrICANN-discuss] Thank you for your condolences

Olévié Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 23:54:19 UTC 2015

Hi my dear sister,
Remain blessed !
Cheers !

2015-03-15 22:55 GMT+00:00 Fatimata Seye Sylla <fsylla at gmail.com>:

> You sent emails, text messages, voice mails and made phone calls from all
> over the world to provide your kind support.  This is the ICANN community!
> A true family I am proud to be part of.
> Thank you all for your compassion and solidarity during this difficult
> time.  My family and I truly appreciate it.
> God bless you all and your loved ones,
> Fatimata
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Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Responsable du Projet CERGI Education
Directeur-Adjoint de KT Technologies Informatiques sarl
SG de ESTETIC  - Association Togolaise des professionnels des TIC (
ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et
Membre du FOSSFA (www.fossfa.net) et Membre de de Internet Society (
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé - Togo
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