[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [IGFSA] Call for nomination

Kawsu Sillah kawsu.sillah at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 18:11:27 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,

*Apology for crossed-posting and duplication*

Below is a call for nomination from IGFSA for your information and action.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raul Echeberria <echeberria at isoc.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:51 PM
Subject: [IGFSA] Call for nomination
To: "IGFSA at elists.isoc.org" <IGFSA at elists.isoc.org>

 Dear all,

I would like to bring to your attention that Ms. Alice Munyua has asked us
to be relieved of her function as a member of the Executive Committee, due
to work overload.  We have accepted her resignation with regrets and thank
Alice for serving as a member of the Executive Committee since IGFSA's
inception. She will be greatly  missed.

While the members of the Executive Committee are elected by the General
Assemble, the IGFSA Articles of Association provide for a mechanism to
replace an Executive Committee member before completing his or her term,
according to Article 11 of the Article of Association ("In the event an
Executive Committee member is unable to complete his or her term, the
Executive Committee may appoint a replacement to serve until the end of the

The IGFSA Executive Committee decided therefore to issue an open call for
nominations of suitable candidates to replace Alice.

The criteria for membership apply to an even greater degree to members of
the Executive Committee. Candidates are expected, through their commitment
or actions, to have proved
their attachment to the aims of the Association, that is to promote and
support the global IGF as well as the national and regional IGF initiatives.

The members of the Executive Committee serve as volunteers.  The function
of the Executive Committee is set forth in the Articles of Association:

"The Executive Committee is the executive decision-making body of the
Association. It manages the affairs of the Association in accordance with
the provisions of these Articles. In so doing, it seeks to represent the
interests of the Association Members as a whole."

Candidates interested in the position need to be willing to:

·      take part in regular monthly calls

·      support fundraising and outreach activities.

Please send your nomination or self-nomination with a short Statement of
Interest by 30IGFSA at elists.isoc.org March 2015 to the following email
address: igfsa at isoc.org

Priority will be given to nominees from developing countries.

Many thanks for your interest

 Best regards

 Raúl Echeberría

IGFSA mailing list
IGFSA at elists.isoc.org

*KAWSU SILLAH* <http://www.about.me/ksillah>

*Ambassador*- - ITU Telecom World Young Innovators Competition.

*Assistant Business Liaison Officer* - - Information Technology Association
of The Gambia  <http://www.itag.gm/gambia/>
*Fellow* - - Association for Progressive Communications' African School on
IG <http://african-ig-school.events.apc.org/afrisig-2014/> (Class of 2014)

MOB: +220 9865300 / 6865300/ 3965300      SKYPE: profkawsu   FB:
Kawsu.f.Sillah <https://www.facebook.com/kawsu.f.sillah>
Twit: @ksillah1         LinkIn: KAWSU SILLAH
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