[AfrICANN-discuss] Almost Final Agenda for TechDay at ICANN53 Buenos Aires

Dr Eberhard Lisse el at lisse.NA
Thu Jun 11 09:38:13 UTC 2015

Please find enclosed the almost final agenda for the coming TechDay.

Unless we get a short notice cancellation the topics are final, but
the order and time slots my change somewhat if scheduling conflicts
need to be resolved.

Please take note again, that we are going to have a PGP/GPG Key
Signing Event at TechDay.

We have secured additional meeting space for short ceremonies for
individuals who can't make it to the main ceremony during lunchtime of
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

A short introduction is on:


We have created a keyring on the website created to assist with such


If you wish to have your key signed, you you *MUST* paste an
ASCII-armored file containing the key(s) you wish to add to the
keyring into the provided text area.

In my case I first looked at what keys I actually have:

	gpg --list-keys el at lisse.NA

which showed:

	pub   1024R/A6490CB9 1995-09-07 [revoked: 2015-02-13]


	pub   4096R/79453FAB 2015-02-08
	uid                  Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el at lisse.na>
	uid                  Dr Eberhard W Lisse <doc at lisse.na>
	uid                  [jpeg image of size 14847]

and then used

	gpg --export -a 79453FAB

to generate the ASCII-armored file (of the non-revoked key) which I
uploaded and is now visible on the site, and which is used to sign
this email.

greetings, el
-------------- next part --------------
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