[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [Soac-infoalert] The CCWG: From Buenos Aires to Paris to Dublin - ICANN

Olévié Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 09:47:50 UTC 2015

Hi !
Please, fyi.
cheers !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Olive <david.olive at icann.org>
Date: 2015-07-16 19:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Soac-infoalert] The CCWG: From Buenos Aires to Paris to Dublin -
To: "soac-infoalert at icann.org" <soac-infoalert at icann.org>


  The CCWG: From Buenos Aires to Paris to Dublin
Author: Steve Crocker

 [image: Ccwg ba paris dublin 750x425 15jul15 en]

The community has been putting in an enormous amount of work on the
Transition proposals. The CWG on Stewardship of the Names completed its
proposal and forwarded it to the ICG for coordination with the proposals
from the Numbers community and from the IETF. Stellar work all around and
kudos to everyone! The ICG now has the important work of reconciling the
three proposals, putting out the proposal meeting the criteria set out by
NTIA for public comment, and finalizing it for submission to the ICANN
board to transmit to NTIA.

In parallel, of course, is the all-important work of the CCWG on
Accountability. The meeting of the CCWG in Paris later this week is focused
on reaching consensus on the necessary components of Work Stream 1,
including the topics relevant to the CWG, and determining the elements of
the final proposal. It will take a while longer for all the pieces to come
together, and the CCWG leadership is saying they will have their proposal
out for public comment in time for public comment feedback and for the
chartering organizations to approve around ICANN 54 in Dublin this October.

At ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires U.S. Commerce Dept. Assistant Secretary Larry
Strickling stressed two points. He emphasized that the proposal should add
only the minimal amount of extra structure and not introduce undetermined
risks. He also observed that time really does matter at this point. A
proposal around the Dublin meeting –preferably before or during, instead of
after – will facilitate getting the transition completed by the end of the
2016 U.S. Government fiscal year, i.e. September 30, 2016.

I am in complete agreement with these concerns, and the opportunity to meet
the time frame to complete the transition. A key step once the proposals
are complete is to amend our bylaws in accordance with the proposal.
Legislation currently before the U.S. Congress will require Secretary
Strickling to confirm that Bylaws changes have been adopted to give effect
to the proposals. Both the CCWG and the CWG have started considering how
the Bylaws will be drafted – including inputs from many parties during the
drafting process. It takes formal action of the ICANN Board of Directors to
actually change ICANN's Bylaws. Amending bylaws is not a quick or automatic
process. Our rules and standard operating procedures include two separate
resolutions, one to formally announce an intention to amend the bylaws,
which is then followed by a posting of the proposed changes and a public
comment process, and a second to adopt the changes if the public comment
process has resulted in general acceptance and approval.

The situation this time is unusual, of course. Hundreds of hours of
meetings, thousands of emails, tireless community work will have gone into
developing draft documents. The Board is committed to working as quickly as
it can – while remaining true to its processes – to consider the proposals
and approve the associated Bylaws where needed. The Board has already
committed to principles about how it will consider the accountability
recommendations, and we remain committed to those principles and to
supporting the accountability process.

I have previously promised that we will not raise any issues or objections
after the proposals have been completed that we had not raised previously.
We will honor that promise.  We will continue to participate in the
accountability work, and contribute to public comment, as we have in the
past. We will also honor our pre-existing and overarching commitment as
directors to act in the best interest of the Internet, and I think that
puts us in the same place as Secretary Strickling – the Accountability
proposal should add only the minimal amount of extra structure and not
introduce undetermined risks.

We are very much looking forward to the upcoming face-to-face meeting of
the CCWG-Accountability
<https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=53778863> in
Paris. Several board members will be there in person, and some others will
participate remotely. We look forward to having further opportunity to
comment on the proposal, and to support the implementation steps.

That being said, I would continue to encourage that Work Stream 1 needs to
be focused solely on the accountability enhancements most closely tied to
the transition, with further enhancements in Work Stream 2. I know the
CCWG-Accountability takes its work very seriously, and I welcome the
dialogues and exchanges that are occurring with all community members,
including the ICANN board, as the CCWG seeks to reach consensus on key
areas for the transition. I have full confidence that the CCWG is aiming to
keep things on track and in line with the ICG proposal, and I am sure
everyone will be working to deliver a strong viable CCWG-Accountability
Work Stream 1 report around ICANN54 in Dublin.

The transition of the stewardship of the IANA Functions is not the last
change that will take place within ICANN. ICANN is continually evolving,
and despite the sense some have that this is the last opportunity to
improve ICANN, it most assuredly is not. I expect continual change over the
coming years, driven by both our environment and experience on how to
improve ourselves.

We look forward to using this time in Paris to contribute constructively,
and I am sure we will wisely strengthen and enhance what we have built
together and what the world has come to trust. The world is watching us and
the time is now to get this done correctly.

 David A. Olive
 Vice President, Policy Development Support
General Manager, ICANN Regional Headquarters –Istanbul
Hakki Yeten Cad. Selenium Plaza No:10/C K:10 34349 Fulya, Besiktas, Istanbul
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

 Direct Line: +90.212.999.6212
Mobile:       + 1. 202.341.3611
 Mobile:       +90.533.341.6550
Email:  david.olive at icann.org

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soac-infoalert at icann.org

Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Président/CEO de INTIC4DEV (http:www.intic4dev.org)
Directeur-Adjoint de O and K IT sarl (Editeur de logiciels de gestion SIGE
SG de ESTETIC  - Association Togolaise des professionnels des TIC (
ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et
Membre du FOSSFA (www.fossfa.net) et Membre de de Internet Society (
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé – Togo
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