Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] African Union Agenda 2063 aspirations: Request for input/contributions

ymshana2003 ymshana2003 at
Wed Jan 21 20:47:22 UTC 2015

+1 Mukom for asking about the Output or Outcome of the long Wish List.  

Maybe something took off but not shared widely due to a number of pressing issues during 2014 ...or the issues raised are still brewing somewhere. ...

This shows the danger of 'politicising-everything' before technical maturity is attained.  As much as it would like to be helpful ....some issues the AUC is forcefully pushed to the front of are beyond its mandate..sadly? It seems that the AUC is ill advised on some issues regarding the Internet-based activities in Africa. Better these issues were directed to the UNECA which is better positioned. 

Diplomacy matters when issues are shovelled in like the way the AUC has been pulled into 'issues that are fabricated' to benefit the minority as it has been on Internet-based economic issues in Africa. 

We should please let the AUC concentrate on its pressing issues under its mandate.

Need I say more.

Enjoy 2k15


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-------- Original message --------
From: "Mukom Akong T." <tamon at> 
Date:21/01/2015  18:31  (GMT+02:00) 
To: AfrICANN list <africann at> 
Cc: YedalyM at 
Subject: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] African Union Agenda 2063 aspirations: Request
 	for input/contributions 

Did I anything come out of this? There were quire a few suggestions on this list on how to effectively do this and I’d have expected some kind of engagement. Did that happen in another forum. In any case it will be great to know the status of this.

> On Nov 6, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Alice Munyua <alice at> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> (Apologies for cross posting)
> During the Africa ICT week in 2012, African Heads of State and governments
> of the African Union adopted Agenda 2063, which contains seven aspiration
> for "the Africa we want"
> 1) A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development
> 2) An integrated continent, politically united and based on the ideal Pan
> Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance.
> 3) An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy, Respect for human rights,
> Justice and the Rule of law
> 4) A Peaceful and Secure Africa
> 5) An Africa with a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared
> values and ethics
> 6) An Africa where development is people-driven, unleashing the potential
> of women and youth
> 7) Africa as a strong, united and influential global player and partner
> The African Union Commission (AUC) is seeking stakeholder input and
> comments on how the "ICT Sector" would contribute to these aspirations.
> I) How ICT can contribute to each aspirations),
> ii) how to set up a regular AU and the African stakeholders a coordination
> mechanism to develop and monitor continental projects,
> iii) how to tape on our own African (financial) and human resources to
> implement our continental programs
> Stakeholder contributions will form part of the final documents for the
> AU Summit.
> Attached, the AU agenda 2063 aspirations.
> Please send comments to
> Moctar Yedaly <YedalyM at>
> Best regards
> Alice
> <AU 2063 Aspirations. Structure of the document.pdf><AU 2063 Aspirations. Structure of the document.pdf>_______________________________________________
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